After Party

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The adults left while the sun was hanging low on the horizon, citing work the next day, and not long after that the kids moved inside to occupy the rec room for movies. As predicted, Steve relented at the behest of his peers and allowed each minor one bottle per. They had plenty of time to be serious adults later, and god knows the spent enough time being serious kids in years past. Beer and wine coolers couldn't possibly do more damage than a demogorgon, even if Steve huffed and puffed before saying, "fine, one each." He also ignored Mike and Dustin taking two each. Might as well let them think they were slick.

Next to him, Billy grinned, nodding at Max who glanced over her shoulder at him. He even raised his own half-filled bottle to her before she scowled and turned away, her own bottle of beer hanging loosely from her fingers the same way Billy held his.

"Steve! Steve! Pizza! Steve, pizza," Mike called over the din of children clambering for their contraband, and Steve was inclined to ignore the demand until Eddie laughed and nudged him with his bare foot, muttering "one of your children needs feeding, Momma Bear."

"Let the brats starve," Steve responded, continuing to ignore Mike's calls of "Steve" and "Pizza." Like there wasn't still mountains of food left after Joyce and Hopper had left "just in case." Steve and Robin would be living off of burgers and sides for the rest of the coming week and that was after everything was divvied up between those who wanted to partake. Eddie had already laid claim to all of the hot dogs and the remaining mac salad. He even had the bowl between his knees, shoving the whole serving spoon into his mouth with each monstrous bite.

But because they were kids, and more importantly, because they were Steve's kids, he eventually relented. Even if he hauled himself out of his pool chair with no small amount of moaning and groaning, he did as he was bid by the teenagers he'd devoted himself to. Two large pizzas, one plain cheese for El, Will, and Max, and one meat lovers for the rest. He refused to order sodas, however, because there was still a whole cooler of soda by the pool. The kids knew where to give so that they could take, however, and hauled the cooler inside, complaining the whole time.

The group of young adults waited until the pizza had arrived and the flock of children were tucked into yet another watch through of the Star Wars trilogy, much to the dismay of the two girls present before Eddie produced "dessert," hands moving quickly to produce them almost out of thin air with his typical flourish.

"For the approval of the Royal Court," he announced, adopting a theatrical accent. "Herbal sustenance of the highest caliber the midwest can supply."

Billy snorted from his chair, half-dozing with his aviators now hooked to his waistband of his swim shorts. Steve had to fight himself not to treat them like and arrow. Had to try his best not to follow the line of them down, tracing over...

It's hard work, but Steven managed. Somehow.

"Wanna ride shotgun, Chris," Eddie asked, cutting through Steve's distraction. He'd already passed one to Nancy and Jon and was lighting up the other one. The blond girl grinned all syrupy sweet and nodded, stars in her eyes. Eddie only mirrored her expression, chuckling at the lazy eagerness she was expressing. Something soft turned over in Steve's belly at the sight of it. Something that Steve didn't quite have a name for, but felt suspiciously close to kinship. The same feeling he got when Robin held up the last box of twizzlers in triumph at Family Video and declared herself victor over all others. Or when the kids got high scores on tests and projects. Like their win was Steve's win.

Like the affection Eddie lavished on Crissy was somehow mirrored onto him. Eddie took Chrissy's jaw and it dropped open, and so did Steve's. Chrissy reached out to hold on to Eddie's forearms, and Steve clutched his own. Chrissy's eyes fluttered shut and so did Steve's. Eddie leaned in to her open lips and Steve would swear that he felt the heat of Eddie's breath on his own mouth.

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