𝑬𝒈𝒈 𝑰𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅

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Chapter 1

"Alright, remember you take good care of Her and Listen to me when I say this BE CAREFUL, I know how you are and you're not invincible," Smile said, holding onto Cucurucho by the shoulders.

"I will, plus Baribal is like, huge, she's almost bigger than you, she'll be fine. If anything she'll be taking care of me!" Cucurucho said, his ears going down slightly, then turning to look at Smile who was staring at him, wide-eyed, ears perked and unmoving.

"But I am the older brother so I'll watch her," Cucurucho said smiling, teeth bared slightly.

"You promise you'll be back?" Osito asked as he clung to Baribal, "Osito, we'll only be gone for three weeks!" Baribal said, ripping Osito off her before putting him down, looking at the smaller and youngest bear.

"But I do promise to be back, you just be good for Ourson and Smile Okay?" Baribal asked. Osito nodded before the smaller bear went to Cucurucho, who was now talking to Ourson.

Osito hugged Cucurucho, making the bear's fur stand on end slightly, "Osito, you know I don't do hugs" Cucurucho stated, his ears going down. "I know, but I'll just miss you!" Osito said before he pulled away.

Cucurucho walked over to Baribal who was putting her bag in the back of the motorboat she and Cucurucho would be using "You have the map?" Cucurucho asked, "Of course, I do, now get in before Osito changes his mind and chooses to make it difficult for us to leave." Baribal said, pushing Cucurucho slightly into the boat.

The two bears got in, Cucurucho starting the boat and making their way further out into the water. Baribal waved bye to her siblings, her ears angled up before going down slightly, feeling a little bit sad that for the first time, she wouldn't be around her siblings for a while.

"You think Osito will give Father a hard time?" Baribal said as she sat down properly in her seat, "Not a chance, Osito's a good cub. If anyone is going to give Father a hard time, it's Ourson" Cucurucho said, Baribal nodding in agreement.

"It's only three weeks, they'll be fine" Baribal added as she looked away, then down. Something didn't feel right, but rather off about all of this, however, she shook the feeling away considering it was probably just the anxiety getting to her.

Hours go by as the two near the island; Egg island. Baribal made sure she didn't have her bag on before standing up and jumping into the water, swimming the rest of the way to the island. "BARIBAL! WHAT THE HELL!??" Cucurucho yelped, his ears going down. Cucurucho frowned as he continued driving the boat, arriving after Baribal. As Cucurucho got out of the boat, Baribal shook her body, getting water on her brother. Cucurucho flinched, letting out a low, annoyed growl before he grabbed their bags, put his on, and gave Baribal hers.

The two started walking but didn't get far as they both suddenly stopped. They looked at each other then at what made them stop. A clutch of eggs? With legs? Some adorned a few accessories.

They were all silent before the eggs ran off and hid behind a rock, one egg left behind, stuck in a hole in the sand. The egg wiggled around wildly trying to get away, but failed.

"Do you...need help?" Baribal asked, tilting her head. The egg stared, not responding. The bear, however, took that as a yes and grabbed ahold of the egg, pulling it out of the sand before setting it down.
They watched the egg as it placed a sign down and wrote "Thank you.....who are you? I've never seen you two before."

"Well, I'm Baribal and this is my Older brother Cucurucho, we just got here," Baribal said, looking at the egg, and then at Cucurucho, who was staring at the egg intently. "I see, well I'm Ria, why are you here Baribal?" Another sign said.

"We were sent here by our dick of a dad to check the island out because he's too lazy to do it himself." Baribal huffed, her ears perking up. Cucurucho shook his head before the three looked over to where they heard a flute.
There behind them was another egg, this one wearing pink shades and with black lenses.

The first egg that was stuck in the sand placed a sign asking, "Snazzy? What's wrong?''

The pink shaded egg then placed a sign in response. "Blue!!! it's Ria they got trapped in a snapper trap"

"Oh no, that's not good" Blue's sign stated.

"Uhh, we could help your friend?" Baribal said butting in, Blue placed down a sign that said "Wait really?"

Baribal and Cucurucho followed Snazzy and Blue with the other eggs who ran, following behind them soon to an area that was clear of trees and bushes, and laying there in the middle was an odd-looking trap. Snazzy jumped up and ran around before she stopped and placed another sign "What!?? They were RIGHT here, Ria and Brother!"
Blue looked at the Snazzy sign before placing one of his own. "Brother was with you two?" Blue's sign read. Snazzy and Blue started placing signs chatting back and forth. Cucurucho frowned before he sniffed the air, his ears going down, and then looked at Baribal. "I know, I smell it too," Baribal replied.

Cucurucho looked around Baribal, doing the same, however she went over to one of the eggs. The egg she approached was slightly bigger than the other eggs and bore small red horns.
"What is it? Did you find something?" Baribal asked the egg who looked at her before they placed a sign stating, "No, algo simplesmente se siente mal?" Baribal nodded. "I feel that." The bear agreed.

Cucurucho made his way to Baribal pulling her aside as the eggs continued to look around
"Baribal we should just take these eggs and go," Cucurucho said quietly

"We can't do that!" Baribal yelped her ears going up as her brother hushed her, "We had a task at hand (or Paw 0.o ) you know why we're here and what we're here for" Cucurucho hissed, frowning as his ears went down.p

"I'm not about to do that! we need to help them find their friends!" Baribal argued back "Since when did you start caring about others!?" Cucurucho replied, "What's that supposed to mean I do care for others!" Baribal said her ears going down as well "You care for Osito and only because he doesn't make a fuss of things" Cucurucho growled.
"Well, at least he agrees it's dumb that we have to listen to a Duck!" Baribal growled back the two glared at each other for a little before Cucurucho backed up "Fine! We'll do this your way, But just remember what we're here for" He said before walking off annoyed.

---------(this is a time skip uvu)
Cucurucho ran off quickly his ears pinned back he started to slow down he let out a sigh "Welp that went horribly, Damn this is a lot harder than I thought" Cucurucho said as he continued walking he then paused hearing something he turned his head looking around, Cucurucho followed the noises like something was moving around.

The bear found himself at a small waterfall and a clutch of eggs playing in the water in front of him were about six eggs Cucurucho looked around before he stepped out towards the eggs walking closer
At first, none of the eggs noticed until one with the duck float spotted him and got out of the water and stood in the way of the other eggs protectively
"Hm......Hi there" Cucurucho said as he stopped walking the other eggs got out of the water and stepped around looking at Cucurucho who stood there not any of them saying a word not until Cucurucho quickly picked up the egg in a Duck float shoved them in a bag and RAN.

The other eggs jumped up shocked before all of them chased after the bear into the dress but they were all snatched up in a net and hung there above the ground "Oh my God- I did it I CAN FINALLY GO HOME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA HAHA HAHA!!!" Cucurucho laughed insanely which freaked the eggs out.

Oml stjhvc
Thanks for reading and thank you to my friend for editing this and fixing my Shit Grammar uvu, Follow me that'll be epic
gonna be using Grammarly Next chapter, hope that goes well 😍

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