chapter 1

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Present day year 2005Ember Fallows was a little more than eccentric she had long curly blond hair which she died orange at the tips. She had big forest green eyes, pale skin with rosy cheeks. Anyone could confirm that saying she was beautiful was an understatement. She was constantly getting asked out for dates with everybody even once or twice a girl had asked but it was obvious that it was a dare, a game which the girls of her age for some reason loved. While walking back from school she felt as if she was being watched, she then suddenly turned back her head violently fast and saw who was fallowing her it was a boy from her school she could tell from the school uniform he was wearing and sighted and said "No, I will not go to the dance with you so get a move on it. Shoo." She was about to turn around the boy said "Deseraie you have certainly become more careless and naïve since we have last seen each other. I remember you swore that you would return to Esprit and go back to your nightly hunts and daily deaths with your fangs finally free to bite whatever poor unsuspecting creature was in your way and enjoy the taste of their warm blood running into your mouth, and maybe become a sire and have an offspring you know, and dare I say it's ridiculous how you can't keep a bunch of poor excuses for boys away from you. What a dramatic change eh." Ember was confused, and the answer came dawning to her she chuckled "Haha I forgot it's almost the time when you're going to have to sire someone isn't it. Unless you have already done it."


Hey guys I know its short but its prewritten, same with the rest of the chapters until chapter 5 or 6 or 7 and yeah, also I'd like to mention that my writing is better than this now days, just go and check out my other books for proof (or don't just go check out my other books anyway) My writing has greatly improved since then, I was eleven when I wrote this. Fun fact the original title of this story was Esprit which means spirit in French but I changed the name to on the run.

kyradona out

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