Chapter 2

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'Okay who wants to be Hannah's partner?' jayden ask's

they all raise there hands 'Okay then lets draw straws' you hand out 6 straws 'Okay the one with the longest peice will be my partner'  you wait and look at their straws and see that Niall has the longest

'Yeah i got the longest hahahahaha!'  'Okay lets go you guys security should be here soon.' Liam says you all grab your partners and go in seprate directions i mean one directions. 'So Hannah what kind of bathing suit are you looking for?'  'Just shorts and a shirt why?'  'O  come on you would look fabulouse in a bakini!'  'No i am no way in hell putting one on you have to make me!'

'Okay lets go look for one which store?' he says 'Mmmmmm let me think what about forever 21 since thats the only one we can look in because of your fangirls!'   'Miss sassy are you?'

'No i am not lets go look'

your looking in the womans and Niall is looking in the teenage you both meet up at the changing rooms

'Okay i have swimm shorts and a shirt'   

'No that is not what you are getting you will look like a old grandma!'

'Well thanks what do you have?'

'I have a bakini and by the way i am paying because you wont wear it if you buy it so here try it on it will look perfect on you.'

You go and try it on it's a tuqouise and black bakini and you think it actually looks kinda good on you

'There i tryed it on you happy?'

he just stode there with his mouth open 'Wow you look hawt!'

'Thanks now i am going to pick out an out fit to go with this.'

you go and look at some clothes and see a cute brown tank top, you get some short shorts to go along with them and find some cute shoes that go perfectly with the bakini.

'Will that be all for you miss?'


'Hey Hannah i told you i would pay after all i am a world pop star!' Niall yelled across the room you just blushed

'Fine but hurry up before i hand the lady my card' you couldn't believe it he was over to you in a heart beat


'Okay thank you for coming to forever 21 come back soon!' the lady said

'You totally dig me!' he yells so that all the fans can here

'No Niall i don't i have a life and it's not going to be spent liking One Direction!'

'Okay bu you may not like me but the first time i saw you i fell instantly in love with you!'

'That is the sweetest thing i have ever heard!' you give him a big hug 

'Okay maybe i do have a soft side for One Direction!'

'You mean me!'

'Yes you' he gives you a peck on the cheak and then grabs you hand and drags you out of the back of the store where all the rest of the boys were and security

'Hey so where are we going?' Louis ask's

'Well i have to get home to my mom she is probaly going to freak out when she hears who i was with'

you jump in the limo

'So where is your house?'

'Jayden jumps up and yells she is so rich she has a mansion on the beach!'

'Ya pretty much except my mom is so mean sometimes that i am always jumping out of my window and going to Jaydens house.'

'O cool we have a beach house also i think you are our neighbor we just moved in'

'You are my neighbors i remember seeing a little bit of harry's hair an thinking about who it might be and then i saw 4 other boys run into the house!' you scream

'We are here' the driver yells

'Okay well i say we all go swimming Hannah you should put that new swim suit to use!' Niall says

''Okay meet you back in 5' you yell  and run into the house and get dressed

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