Finding Out

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Request by: AddisonBoyce I really hope you like it! (I got too shy to ask if you wanted any ships so I added Synth x Branch- I hope that's okay! If not I can always take this down and re-do it lol-)

Floyd had noticed it immediately.

His only younger brother is very dull, not completely grey, but also not full of colour.

So he brought it up with the older three.

Clay nodded, "I noticed, I just don't know how to bring it up gently, you know?"

Bruce shrugged, "I agree with Clay, I noticed but it seems like a sensitive subject, you know?"

JD sighed, "I didn't notice it, but now that you mention it, it does seem like he's more...grey.."

Floyd nodded, "That's okay, how about we talk about how to bring it up with him? Where is he?"

JD smirked, "He said he was going out with someone named, 'Synth'!"

Bruce chuckled and shook his head, "Bitty B should just come out to us already.."

Clay laughed and nodded, "The amount of times I've witnessed his bi panic is unbelievable!"

Floyd smiled, "Baby Branch will hopefully trust us enough to tell us soon, we just need to have patience."

Clay nodded, "In his own time he will, but seriously we need to talk about this."

JD and Bruce nodded.

The older three looked at Floyd who sighed, "Okay so, it needs to be calm, gentle, subtle if it can be, and we need a private area."

Bruce nodded, "That makes sense, especially if he has a break down..we need to prepare for that.."

Clay nodded, "We also need to wear padding."

JD nodded in agreement with Clay, "Good call, bro." He said.

Bruce and Floyd glanced at eachother, "What for?" Bruce asked.

"In case he hits us or kicks us or-" JD said before getting cut off by Clay.

"Just in case he gets aggressive."

Bruce and Floyd sighed but nodded.

The brothers began to put on some padding as they continued talking.

"So I think Floyd should be the one to start the conversation." JD said.

"I second that." Bruce said.

"Agreed, big brothers win again, sorry Floyd." Clay said unapologetically.

Floyd huffed, "Why me?"

Clay raised an eyebrow, "Dude, you're the sensitive one, you're the least likely to mess this up so bad he tries to tie us up with sticks and some how succeeds."

Bruce looked at Clay concerned, "How would that work?"

Clay looked up at them with a slightly haunted look in his eyes, "Never, and I mean NEVER, piss off Branch. Don't go on walks with him in the forest either." Clay shuddered, "He may be a little dude, but damn."

JD pat his back with a nod, "Noted."

Floyd sighed, "So," He pointed at Clay, "You're just too traumatized to bring it up to him. And you two," he pointed at the oldest two, "Are just too afraid of our baby brother to bring it up?"

Bruce held his hands up defensively, "You try looking at our baby brother and tell me that he doesn't look like he would willingly fight all of us and some how win."

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