The Concert They'd Take You To

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Dean- Metallica

"Grab your bags, quick!" Dean says, rushing into your motel room.

"What? Why?" You ask, panicked by his frantic state.

He pauses with a smile,"Metallica is playing in Texas... We have to go." He says and raises his eyebrows happily. You make a sound low in your throat in relief and throw a shoe towards his head.

"You scared the crap out of me!" You say, getting your bags anyway. You'd love to go, anywhere with him was worth it. And you totally were in love with the band, too.

Sam- Mumford and Sons

"Hey," Sam says after knocking on the door of your bedroom. The bunker was cold today so you had on a lose sweatshirt and leggings.

"What's up?" You ask, tapping a pencil on the desk then sliding it behind your ear to hold it there. You were researching a few attacks down south. He holds up his hand, a sly smile on his face. You look closer, to see two pieces of paper in his hand.

"I got us tickets to M and S." He says, smiling. You roll your eyes, getting up from the desk.

"Seriously?" You ask, finding it funny that he wanted to go.

"Hey. They're good." He says, slightly pouting as he leaves your room.

Castiel- The Red Hot Chili Peppers

"What is this?" He asks, staring with confusion at the stage.

"The band!" You say, dancing to the music. Him being an angel was awesome because he could magically zap you in the middle of the pit without paying.

"No... No. I didn't want this." He says, blankly staring at the men on stage.

"What'd you expect?" You ask, brushing hair out of your face.

He looks at you, and after a moment he says, "I thought there would be vegetables performing."

Charlie- Paramore

"Oh my gosh!" You shout, jumping around with her.

"I'm so excited!" She says, her face bright with enthusiasm.

"I can't believe we're going!" You say as Charlie starts to break into dance. You two had just bought your tickets online, a spur of the moment decision. The concert was in a few days, but you two were already celebrating like it was happening in a few hours.

Crowley- The symphony

"I can't believe you dragged me to this," You mumble, clacking next to him in your high heels and much-too-fancy dress. Crowley had insisted that you wear it, because you looked 'splendid' in it. He was in an expensive suit, not that he didn't always dress to impress.

"Quit whining, this music is good for your soul." He says, and the two of you share a giggle while walking into the grand hall.

(A/N- Gif is of Sam's pouty face when you offend his concert taste.)

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