Chapter 2 - "Dreams Are Real"

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(Image doesn't belong to me but thats what they look like ;3 )

Your eyes opened calmly as birds played their melodies and a paw kept pawing at you. You tried getting up but groaned in pain as you gripped your stomach. Your shirt was all bloody and the dog that looked like Chocolate with a blue collar whimpered. Sadness filled his eyes as he licked your face in comfort. You smiled and patted him as Chocolate helped you sit up. But your surroundings was unfamiliar. You were laying on sand and the soft and smooth sand glistened in the sun light. You looked around and found out you were in a dessert biome. "What on earth.." You thought as you got up and limped off somewhere. The dog barked and followed. It was the same dog that helped you get supplies for your huge castle. Wait a minute. This was really familiar now. You breathed louder and plopped onto your knees as tears streamed down your face. The dog, Chocolate number 2 you remembered in your game sat by you. Minecraft looked all blocky when you were playing on the computer, but now that you are in this strange world known as Minecraft is more realistic! Chocolate looked just like the Chocolate in real life. Chocolate nudged you as you stared back at him. "I can't lay here and just cry, I-I have to find a way out of here." You mumbled as you got up. The pain came back but you ignored it as much as possible. Chocolate barked as he spun in a circle. You giggled and started walking in a random direction as Chocolate followed. A couple hours later of walking and taking a few breaks, night came upon you and Chocolate. If Chocolate was in this random world, you might be able to find your improved and finished castle! Excitement ran through your body and didn't realize you were running. Chocolate ran happily beside you and the pain in your stomach was gone for now. His tongue ran out of his mouth and the cool breeze fell upon it. His ears were perked back and his small, blue bell rang as he ran. You laughed but then saw some green up ahead. You ran faster. Chocolate noticed and barked happily and ran ahead of you. You found out that this was a race against you and Chocolate. You smirked and ran faster than ever! You came upon a forest and grinned as you looked up at the swaying trees. Chocolate stood on his hind legs, telling you to pick him up. You looked down at him and laughed quietly. "Chocolate, you're to heavy!" You said as you kissed the top of his head.

Your ears heard the sound of footsteps heading your way as your eyes widened and looked around. Chocolate ran in front of you defensively and growled, sniffing the air. He barked furiously at a random direction. You tried calming him down but he kept on barking. "Quiet, you might make mobs come our way!" You whispered. He ignored you and ran into a bush. "Ahh!" A young male voice screamed out. You could hear Chocolate growling and snarling at the person. "Get this dumb mutt off of me!" The male voice screamed out again. You walked towards where Chocolate ran off to. You pushed yourself through the bush and gasped. A young man with short, dark gray hair wearing a blood red tank top (idk) underneath a huge black jacket with a red belt and red and white long socks with black converse sneakers. (I know he doesn't wear shoes in the image but play along XD ) "Chocolate!" You yelled at the dog as Chocolate stopped but didn't let go of the person's arm. The person's arm was bleeding pretty badly as Chocolate let go and sat in front of you. He growled showing his sharp white fangs. The man didn't move. He wasn't scared at all, just startled. "Are you alright sir?" you said walking past Chocolate and towards the man. "Teach your mutt how to play nice!" The young man said which looked like a seventeen year old who let out a hiss. His hiss sounded much like a spider's which startled you. "I am really sorry, he can get a little protective." You replied as you scratched the back of your neck. "Do you even know what and who I am?" The teenager asked. You shook your head in response. He laughed. "I am surprised you're not running from me." He said as he let out a dark chuckle. "Why would I?" You asked nervously. "Uh, hello!?" The teen said as something sprang out from his back. Three red... Things with crimson liquid slid off his. Whatever was on his back which looked like long, spider legs. "I am a spider, don't you realize that?" He asked in a very rude way. You crossed your arms and growled. "The name's Spider, but friends call me Spirit." Spider said. "Hey wait a minute." He mumbled as he squinted his glowing red eyes at you. "You're that girl Hero- I mean my boss was talking about!" He jumped a little and grinned. "I got to show the others!" Spider said as he grabbed your wrist and ran into a random direction. Chocolate let out a loud and dangerous bark as he followed. "Wait, show me to who?" You asked him. He didn't say anything but grin.

Hours passed, and morning finally came upon you three. He kept on running and didn't even seem tired. You breathed heavily and pulled him back with force. He turned around swiftly and growled. "Why did you stop?" He asked as you plopped onto the ground. "I-I can't breath." You said as you panted heavily. So did Chocolate who is laying on his side like a dead dog. "Fine then." Spider mumbled as he picked you up bridal style which caused you to yelp and blush. Chocolate got up to his feet and walked beside Spider. His scent smelled like cinnamon which made your mouth water. "Let's continue." Spider mumbled and started walking more. Your eyelids started to close slowly. As your eyes closed, darkness finally fell upon you.

As you woke, you could hear whispering and talking. You found yourself in a familiar bedroom. Your eye site was a bit blurry, but it did clear up after awhile. You groaned and rubbed your eyes. "C-Chocolate?" You whispered looking around the room. A deep chuckle filled the room as you looked around and Found Spider staring at you and another man that looked much similar to Steve but with piercing, bright white eyes. "Hello dear." The man said. His voice was so deep, it could cause an earthquake. You shivered at the sound of his voice but kept it hidden. Spider kept making spider noises and Chocolate was curled up in a ball on the other side of the bed sleeping quietly like nothing is wrong. You scowled up at the man and asked, "What are you doing in my house?" It sounded more like a command than a question since you had no fear of him what so ever. He chuckled again and walked towards you with his hands behind his back. "I am here because you are here." He said as he knelt down next to you. You glanced at Spider who gave you a blank expression. "Why." You wondered. "You have something special in you." He continued. "When I first saw and learned more about you at the age of nine building this huge castle, I just had to bring you here." Your eyes widened. He brought you here? Oh no, this is bad. What if the real Chocolate was worried? What if your family thinks you're dead? Your heart rate sped and didn't realize you were breathing quite heavily. Spider and Herobrine didn't know what to do. Your breathing became quiet and your heart started to go back to it's normal pace. You found your iron sword near your bed since you usually keep your armor and weapons in your room. You then grabbed your iron sword and put the sharp tip of the sword near his chest. "Why did you bring me here." You said as you growled. Chocolate was awake and was on your bed. Just staring at the two of you with his head tilted. He let out a bark. Then a louder bark. "Hush Chocolate!" You said not even looking at him. He stood silent. "Thats for me to know and you to find out..." Herobrine whispered as he made you stare into his piercing white eyes. You tried to blink but couldn't. It was as if he is controlling you. No. This isn't your home. You need to get out before it's. To late. That's when everything went pitch black again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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