Chapter 3: New Home

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3rd POV

"Ow, ow, ow" Sledge mumbled aloud as he walked down the halls of the castle alongside the rest of Nova Team. "Sledge, you realize you're supposed to be using a walking stick right?" Jones looked at the large man with a disappointed gaze.

"Of course he knows, he's Sledge, he has more bullets, muscle, and gunpowder than brains'' Angel jokes, causing a chorus of laughter to echo through the halls.

Rounding a corner the team laid eyes on Hiccup and the Snow Queen walking side by side. The team stopped and stared at their friend alive and well, they took Lee's word that Hiccup was alive and well but seeing him in person was the evidence they wanted and needed. In a blur the men rushed Hiccup into a group hug with him in the center, saying praises and jokes.

Elsa watched from a safe distance, surprised by the incredible brotherhood these men had. It would take the power of the God of Gods to tear apart these men she thought to herself. Once they were finished enjoying their reunion, Hiccup took his place beside the queen.

"Guys this is the Queen Elsa, Queen of Arendelle" Upon hearing the status of the woman, the men got on one knee and bowed their heads. Elsa smiled in surprise that these soldiers from a different time and place knew how to be customary around royalty.

"Gentleman, you may rise" Elsa ordered gently, the men rose and stood with their hands folded in front of them.

"Your majesty, my name is Nick I lead this team" Nick extended a hand out for the queen, who shook it firmly. "First, I deeply apologize ma'am for any damage our aircraft caused in our crash" Nick said, prompting Issac to step forward, "I'm sorry your majesty we tried to put her down gently, and-" Nick pressed a hand into Issac, Issac took the hint and stopped stepping back.

"It is alright Nick, I am just thankful you all are okay and no damage was done to the city" Elsa smiled to Nick who now felt at ease, "Thank you... we ask that you allow us to stay here, we have nowhere to go and no way of reaching home" Elsa didn't hesitate and nodded to the man, "I will have some of our guests room prepared for you gentleman". Nova Team were trained to live in any condition on Earth but they would gladly take comfy rooms over the embrace of mother nature. Nova Team thanked the Queen and turned to leave the two to themselves, while everyone had their backs turned Hawk looked back at Hiccup and winked. Elsa noticed the gesture and felt her cheeks warm.

"Chief Hiccup, would you like to see your dragon?" Elsa asked, Hiccup's eyes were filled with joy, "Yes please, Queen Elsa" Hiccup responded.

"Please Elsa will do"

"Okay Elsa, please Hiccup will do"

Arendelle Castle Dungeons

Together, they entered the dungeon, the air crisp and silent. Elsa led Hiccup to the largest cell, where Hiccup saw his dragon curled up obviously sleeping but the presence of people awoke the dragon.

"Hey bud" Hiccup greeted the dragon opening the cell door, Toothless hummed in relief seeing his rider alive and well. Hiccup looked at Toothless hind legs and felt his face burn with anger seeing chains tightly clasped around his dragons legs. "Why is my dragon chained?" Hiccup asked with anger in his voice, Elsa stood her ground. "We've heard about dragon raids on villages, it was for everyone's safety until we knew otherwise" Hiccup sighed and controlled his anger, "Let me show you" he invited Elsa to join him and his dragon. Her nerves screamed at her to stay back but she steeled them and approached the giant black dragon.

Toothless bared his teeth at the Queen, who was ready to remove her gloves but Hiccup calmed Toothless. "He doesn't know who he can trust, come" Hiccup grabbed Elsa's hand, she didn't resist the contact made instead she felt a shock ripple through her. Sculpting her hand into an open palm, he moved her hand to hover over Toothless' head. Toothless sniffed her hand and looked at her with wide black pupil eyes before pressing into her hand. She laughed at the interaction not believing she was touching a dragon and on top of that gained the trust of a dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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