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It was a normal day in Konohagakure. Well, normal if one where to ignore the child soldiers, Root and a plethora of other very illegal things that everyone knows about but doesn't want to deal with.

So yes, a perfectly normal day.

A lone Jinchuriki prowled around the streets with his bright blond hair (that resembled the Fourth Hokage's a little too much to be coincidence but no one wants to talk about that), his vibrant blue eyes, and his signature frown.

--Wait, frown?

Uchiha Sasuke woke up in a foul mood, one that he didn't previously possess until his Clan got massacred by a mentally ill thirteen year old. Waking up in the house his brother beheaded their parents in certainly helped in this matter.

(Seriously, who's bright idea was that?)

Except today he hadn't woke up in the Uchiha compound. No, he woke up in the bloody slums.

("Yeah Kushina, I'll definitely take care of your kid."--A fat lying lier)

The first thing Sasuke did upon finding out he wasn't in his bed was to blink a couple times, count to ten and back before attempting to release the genjutsu.

Much to his dismay it didn't work. Even worse his chakra felt as though every last ounce of chakra in Konoha was stuffed inside of him for no apparent reason other than to inconvenience him.

This lead to him him getting out of bed and stumbling to the nearest mirror, which was thankfully placed on the nightstand.

Now, Sasuke isn't someone who gets shocked by much. Perhaps the occasional scare of wondering if the bills had actually been payed (because that's every twelve year olds greatest worry) or if the kunai in the training post was actually his and not one stolen by the flock of crows that visit him a little too often.

(Still, the gifts were rather nice. Even if some of them were a little blood covered)

But when Sasuke looked into the mirror and saw a face that only belong to the infamous Uzumaki Naruto.

Well, Sasuke will admit (much to his indignation) that he screamed like a banshee.


If someone where to tell Mebuki that her well-mannered and highly independent daughter was going to run down the stairs looking like she had just fought the Third Hokage, well, she'd be unamused.

So of course that's just what happened.

A loud thud echoed through the house as 'Sakura' jumped from the top step all the way to the floor.

Her eyes widen. "Ow! What the hell?!" She yelled, legs still hunched from her jump.

She then flopped over to the side.

"Sakura!" Mebuki gasped out in horror. "Are you alright?!"

"No." 'Sakura' groaned out. "My legs are gone dattebayo."

Along with his dignity. Or whatever was left after wearing the most eye blinding shade of orange in the history of oranges like it was ninja vogue.

Mebuki helped her child up before patting her shoulder. "Well if you're fine then hurry up and get ready Sakura! School is going to start in an hour!"

'Sakura' paled dramatically. "What did you just call me?"

"Hm, your name?" Mebuki turned towards the kitchen. "Food is on the table, eat and then get ready."

Naruto was in Sakura-Chan's house. Naruto was talking to Sakura-Chan's mom and she didn't hate him. Those two things alone should've made him elated.

Which it definitely would have...if only he weren't in Sakura-Chan's body!


Like most days in the Uchiha household any residents in the house was to be awoken by a crow flying into their window at speeds that would put Lord Fourth to shame.

Unfortunately, Sakura was never made aware of this fact and was therefore scared shitless when a crow slammed into the window at six in the morning.

The crow, upon hearing 'Sasuke' scream like a little girl, was immediately startled as it flew off.

"W-what the hell?" 'Sasuke' mumbled as she stared down at her hands before grabbing onto her hair (or in this case lack-there of).

To the poor girls utter horror her hair had seemingly vanished into thin air.

"No way!" She waved her head around frantically, trying to look for a mirror before getting up and running to what seemed to be a bathroom.

Luckily there was a mirror in there. Unfortunately, there was a mirror in there.

Sakura could only look at herself in abject horror as Uchiha Sasuke stared back at her.

"I'm in Sasuke-Kun's body." She whispered.

Oh no.


An: hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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