Chapter 1

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Effie and I come on the stage standing in front of the people from district twelve.
-Welcome ! Welcome, welcome. Says Effie by giving me a little blow in the ribs in order to encourage me to greet people.
-Hi. I say timidly.
-Happy Hunger Games and may the odd be ever in your favor. Says Effie as if it were a good thing to send young people to kill each others.
-Now before we began we have a film brought to you all the way from The Capitol. I say while reading my cards without enthusiasm.
The little film begin and everyone was watching.
-Now the time as come for us to select one courageous young man and woman for the honor of representing District 12 in the 74th Hunger Games. As usual ladies first ! Says Effie with a big smile on her lips.
She's going to get the paper and gives it to me. I take it and open it.
-Primrose Everdeen. I say.
I know her she's twelve it's too unfair The Capitol are really bastards.
Everybody starts to look at the little girl and I see she was panicked.
-Where are you love ? I say.
I know I don't really know her but I don't want her to be more afraid that she is.
-Come on up. Effie says. Well come on up. She repeat.
Primrose start walks to us. Her sister start come to her.
-Prim ! Prim ! No. No ! She says.
The guards come and stop her but she says the thing I was feared.
-I volunteer ! I volunteer ! She yell and detach of the guards.
-I volunteer as tribute. She said more calmly.
-I believe we have a volunteer, Mr. Mayor. Say Effie.
The girl start run to Primrose and hug her she says something I cannot ear cause during my games I lost 30% of my audition.
-No ! No ! Says Primrose.
-Go find mom ! Say the girl. Prim, go find mom now. I'm so sorry.
- No ! Says her sister.
-Go find mom. Prim leave ! Go find mom. Says her sister.
-No ! No ! No !
A guy come and take Primrose away while she was crying and screaming.
-Come on. Says Effie. A dramatic turn of events here in district 12.
- Yes, well. I say.
-District 12's very volunteer. Bring her up. Say Effie.
The guards are bringing the girl.
-Come on dear. Effie say.
Effie catch the girl by the shoulder and go with her to the microphone. She is scared and I see it in her eyes.
-What's your name ? I ask.
-Katniss Everdeen. She says
Everyone raised their hands with their thumb folded on the palm and I follow the movement. Effie was looking at me like I was a monster.
-And now for the boys. Effie says while going to the box where are the papers. She take one and give it to me just like for the girls. I read and start to tremble.
-P-Peeta Mellark. I say and start crying.
Peeta is my best friend since birth, I love him more than anyone except my dad. Some of the guys are looking at Peeta and the rest look at me. He is chocked and then he follow the guards and come to us. Effie look at me too and search to understand why I was crying and she just take me in her arms. She coward me and go take Peeta shoulders to go at the micro. When he see I was still crying he take me in his arms.
-Here we are. Our tributes from district 12. Well, go on, you two, shake hands. Say Effie.
Peeta coward me and shake the hand of Katniss.
-Happy Hunger Games ! And may the odds be ever in your favor. Repeat Effie.
Katniss and Peeta go to two room where they can say goodbye at your families. Then these two are finish we go on a carriage.
-You two are in for a treat. Crystal chandeliers, platinum doorknobs, and it flies. We'll be at The Capitol in less than two days. Now before you do anything else... Effie continue to speak until we find ourselves on the train. They look to the train and talk with Effie and now we're in a room waiting for their other mentor : my dad, Haymitch Abernathy.
We were sit Katniss and Peeta in front of me and waiting for my dad in silence.
-Have you ever met him ? Peeta ask at Katniss.
She doesn't answer.
-Haymitch ? He continues.
She still doesn't answer.
-You know Katniss, he is our mentor. He did win this thing once. He says.
She doesn't answer and look at me to help her to make him stop talking.
-Peeta, I think Katniss is just not ready to talk. She's scared, like you but she just don't manages the thing like you. So please shut up and respect what she wants.
-Thanks. She says whispering.
-Look, you know. If you don't want to talk to me, I understand. But I just don't think there's anything wrong with getting a little bit of help.
They look at each others and then my dad enter in the room.
-Congratulations. He says and he serves himself a glass of whiskey. Where's the ice? He ask.
-I don't know. Peeta says.
My dad comes next to me in front of Peeta.
-Okay, when we start ? Ask Peeta.
-So eager ? Most of you aren't in such a hurry. Says my dad.
-Yeah, I wanna know what the plan is. You're our mentor. You're suppose to go... Says Peeta.
- As soon as possible for me it's the priority. I want to help you. I say.
-Mentor? My dad says.
-Yeah, you're our mentor like Ari is. You're suppose to tell us how to get sponsors and give up advice.
-Okay. Embrace the probability of your imminent death. And know, in your heart, that there's nothing I can do to save you. He answers.
-Dad don't say things like that ! I say severely.
-Oh I can say what I want !
-No you can't !
-But if you think what you say, why are you here then ? Asks Katniss.
-The refreshments. He says smiling looking at his glass.
I roll my eyes and sigh by sinking into my chair.
-Okay, I think that's enough of that. Say Peeta while stand up and true to take my dad's glass.
My dad push him on his seat with is foot on his chest.
-You made me spill my drink. These are brand new pants. You know I think I'll go finish this in my room. He stand and go in his room.
-Okay I'm so sorry and embarrassed for that. I will help you as best as I can. Kat, I can't call you Kat ?
-Yeah, if you want.
-So Kat if you want to stay in the game you have to be great or nothing you much than Peeta because you know he is a man. My duck you have to be you the nice and cute guy but you have to be strong when you'll be in front of the other tributes. Now enjoy the luxury before we arrive at the Capitol. Love. See you soon.
We are arrival at the Capitol and Peeta and I are greeting the cheering people while Katniss is watching us strangely.

Hey, there's the first chapter. I skipped some scenes. Sorry, Arya doesn't speak that much in this chapter but she will in the other chapters. XOXO.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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