Chapter 2: Official enemies

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"What would you do if music just didn't exist?" I mutter in question. I've been staring at the shiny piano keys as Will's long fingers danced across them. The music it was producing moved me and I swayed along to the composure.

"Well considering I play just about every instrument, I would probably need a new hobby..."

I laughed at that and leaned into him "What kind of hobby?" This time my tone had a tinge of hinting in it and by the smirk forming on Will's lips he caught it.

I couldn't help but stare at the perfect guy sitting beside me. His blonde hair fell loosely over his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to reflect my image a thousand times, like ice in a crystal cave. He was everything I had dreamed of, perfect cheek bones and all! Oh and not to mention his back, and arms! Like, take about perfect with just the right amount of muscle and lets not forget about the veins!

Did I seriously just fangirl over my boyfriend?

"Well-" My voice was halted by the sound of a vase crashing to the floor in a crumble of glass shards.

We both jumped up from the bench we had been sitting on and looked towards the sound. Sure enough there stood a guard looking scared enough to wet himself. He stood by a pile of broken glass probably having knocked it down. Seriously?

"Not again," Will sighed, his hands coming up to rest on my waist as his chest pressed up against my back.

"Knox?" I demanded, giving the poor guard my deadliest glare. His eyes widened in pure fear but I didn't care one bit, this was the third time I had caught them and this had passed insane months ago.

Once he shook his head that was all I needed before removing myself from Will's embrace and marching off to the General's office. I was fully prepared to kill this guy.

"Athena just-" I didn't hear the rest of what he had to say. The door had slammed shut behind me and I was well on my way.

The halls were busy and chattering, there must have been an event today because since everything happened peasants are hardly allowed to enter the castle. I was a hard decision but it had to be made and as the leader of militia, I was the one to make it.

I noticed the blue headed royal advisor pass by but I was in no mood to deal with all of his happy vibes. He has been a little overboard lately and although I know why it is still excruciatingly annoying.

Things had been going well and I was happy but only in a small way. After the the things that happened we all kind of went into shock and went through the wedding acting as though everything was fine but it couldn't have been farther from it and by the time that sunk into our heads we were entirely lost.

Wonderland accepting our apology was just an act and everyday we remain on the brink of war. Mack may have been their evil queen but she was still their queen, not to mention their good queen's sister. It took a year for us to realize just how serious they were in wanting us dead, and with that we were right back to where we were when we got Chloe back.

Except of course now I haven't actually told my sisters. Chloe is happily married, living in Neverland, and only visiting every few months. Lily had always been the strongest out of all of us but now she was so vulnerable and fragile. She didn't want anyone to take notice but as her sister I couldn't help it. She may have Knox but that isn't enough, I just hope she talks to him.

I would never be able to tell her about how everything we fought to end is yet again surfacing. The reason she was almost killed is coming up again. I couldn't worry them, it would be too hard so I stick with informing the General and warning him that is he shares the information with anyone I will personal feed him to the sirens.

After about a few minutes I finally reach the jerk's office and without hesitation throw the doors wide open and stomp in, crossing my arms just for dramatic effect.

He sat with his head bent over endless papers that he quickly scribbles across in a shiny steel pen. I knew he was fully aware he was here so it pissed me off even more when all I could see of him was his gelled, dark brown hair. I stand in front of his desk rather impatiently waiting for him to pay attention, my foot constantly tapping against the dark wooden floors.

Wait a minute, I'm the queen, why should I have to wait for him? "Excuse me!"

"I don't have time to discuss something that you bring up just about every day," He marked a final thing on the sheet in front of him and glanced up at me. But when he saw me he could probably tell that I was fully prepared to kill him so his head didn't dip back down "This should be fun," He sighed and leaned back into his leather desk chair.

"It's been years Knox."


"And Will isn't going to hurt anyone! You can stop with your damn swad of idiot guards that follow him around everywhere!" I shout, slamming my fist onto his desk to add effect.

Knox just simply blew out a slow and exaggerated breath and folded his arms across his wide chest, "No."

"Excuse me?"

"You may be the queen and can order anyone to avoid my commands but you and I both know that I would still have a great deal of influence and your order would hardly fase the detail that follows William around. Then again you could always fire me and ship off but since I'm your sister's-"

"Boyfriend," I smirked to tick the asshole off and by the way his jaw clenched tightly, I knew it had worked. Serves him right!

"You can't fire me. So no, I will not do what you ask because I don't believe he is best in regards to your safety and I deem you unfit to make any other decision because who knows what he has put in the pretty little head of yours."

I have had enough of this guy for years yet here he is! Why doesn't Disney love me? "Do you really want to make an enemy of me General?"

This time Knox stands up but his face remains indifferent just as it always his, he only ever does show emotion when my sister is around. Never if she isn't.

"As far as I'm concerned you already hate me so I really couldn't care less, especially when we are at war and there are much better things to focus on."

"Fine," I shrug "We are now official enemies."

I didn't bother commenting on the war statement, if there was any time when I could ignore it I would. I also didn't exactly leave, I wasn't ready to, not just yet. I slowly paced the perimeter of his office, dragging my index finger along the dusty walls and humming slowly to an annoying toon.

"You know this is a nice office," I commented.

Knox looked confused but just shrugged and found his way back to his seat, plopping down into it "I don't see what that has to do with-"

"I'm taking it."

The boys eyes go so wide they nearly pop out of his head which would be unfortunate because they are really cool eyes but it would still be a victory. If he wants to play dirty then I will take the guys office and leave him out in the hall with no where to go. Fun!

With one last smile in his direction I made my way out of the room and located a few well known guards to remove all of his stuff. I may not be able to fire him but I can still make his life a living hell.

****Heyy if you liked this chapter please turn the star yellow... or white depending on the device you're using! And be sure to comment your favorite or maybe least favorite parts? I welcome criticism!

Picture ^ or > is of Will playing the piano which I'm sure you could have guessed

Any way,

Stay classy

TDD <3

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