Part 5: The Beginning of Instabilities

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The free rest of the week passes by smoothly with not accidents along the way for us (thank God) and Constance even has a new girlfriend named Blaine. "Who new that I would find someone this fast?" She gloats.

Soon it is time for class..Me, Indi, Consta and Blaine walk to our first class of the year: Math.. We walk in and sit down in outer assigned seats.
Then, our math teacher (who will cause problems for us later down the road in the future) hobbles into the class and slams all his books on the table. His name is Mr. Thomas, out math teacher for the next 4 years of college
"I don't get paid enough to deal with bratty college kids who think they 'know it all' just cause they're now technically adults" He growls and angrily write the topic on the board; Geomitry.
Of course me being the concerned student I alert him, "Sir, you have made a spelling mistake it's 'Geometry' not Geomitry" I say.
He looks at me angrily "You see what I mean! How rude.", he gives me a hard glare before correcting himself. I slunk into my chair under his gaze and loo,s down at my book paying attention to the lesson.
Mr. Thomas then reams out another kid cause he didn't answer a question right and continues to embarrass him
"Wow this guy is an asshole" Blaine whispers to us and we all nod unanimously..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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