My friends

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Okr so on this chapter/part ima talk abt my friends.

I have a few friends. Oran, Mary, Jax, Karlo, Jack and obviously more but the ones I named are the ones I'm closest to.

Oran is my boy best friend. I have no romantic feelings for him as he is ugly asf but I have been friends with him for three years now, almost four years he has helped me with my dad's death which affected my mental health for so long it's not even funny. He knows sm abt me and he has never left.

Mary is my bestie, I have known her for eight years but properly friends with her for a few months

Jaxie is my ride or die. I need her in my life, they helped me with so much of my mental health it's not even funny. She introduced me to and Wp. They have helped me feel like a person again, I can tell her about anything and she won't shame me for it. Nothing at all. I genuinely love her(as a friend) she has been there for me for my lowest and highest even though we've only known each other for a few months I feel like I've known her my whole life. She has brought out the best in me. I can be myself around her.

Karlo is another one of my boy bsfs he has known me for a long time and he is the exact same as me (other than the fact we are different genders) he knows me more than Mary knows me.

Jack is also a guy bsf and he was my old crush (back when I was in 5th class leave me alone) but he has been so nice to be abt it and we get on great now.

Anyway, I'll update soon, Byeee
Have a good day/night

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