A Rivalry is Born

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*i walk up to Treecko, his stare is of pure confidence*
"Ok bud this is it, our first battle we got this, we don't hold back or give up ok."
*he nods and smiles*"Treecko Treecko"
*she throws out her tepig*
"A tepig huh, I'm ready"
"Babe ember"
*a fury of embers heads straight to Treecko*
"Treecko use quick attack to evade it, then use pound"*he maneuvers through the embers and hits Tepig forcing its mouth shut*
"Know Treecko pound again"
"Babe use take down"
*treecko barely lands a hit when he gets trampled*'I can't let this go on'
"Treecko leer"*suddenly a loud screech echoes in the area, Tepig falls to a knee*
"NOW USE POUND"*Treecko jumps onto the air and the pound changes to Slam*
*treecko is hit directly and he falls to the floor*"TREECKO are you ok"
"I was wrong you're a terrible trainer"*she turns around*"Come one Babe"
*Treecko gets back up*"Treecko TREECKO!"
*treecko evolves into Grovyle*"Are you ready for round two?!"
"Ok but when I win, you leave"
"Grovyle bullet seed, on the ground"*a cloud of dust goes into the air"
"Babe use ember"*embers go in all directions*
"Grovyle use SLAM"*suddenly the ember stops and the dust clears*
"Grovyle"*he steps out with burns all around his body*
"You did it"*I run out and hug him*
*she smiles and turns around*"Celebrate all you want, next time it won't be so easy, and you definitely won't be so lucky"*she hops on her bike and pedals off, I go back into the Pokémon center barley able to look nurse joy in the eyes*
~39 minutes later~
*finally it's time for me to set off on my adventure who knows what lies out there for me, I throw out Grovyle*
"Come on, we have a long road ahead of us"
*I notice a shop, and Go inside, I grab some snacks, when I finished paying i got out noticing a dark Pokémon watching me his teal eyes, I look over at Grovyle but he doesn't seem to notice him, I look back up and the Pokémon is gone*
"Grovyle didn't you see that!?!"
"Grovyle?!?*I can tell by the face he is making he thinks I'm crazy*
"Well Grovyle let's go we have to return home we're moving today, to Kurisu-san region I heard it has every Pokémon you could think about, who knows we might make new friends along the way"
~2 hours later~
*i lie down on my bed, everything else is packed thanks to the help of Grovyle, Grovyle lays beside me and we look up at the ceiling* "Can I ask you a question Grovyle?"
"Grovyle"*I assume that means yes so I continue*
"Why did you save me?"*he smiles and shows me a long thin twig that he keeps in his mouth*
"Gee thanks a lot"* after ten minutes we pack up the moving van and drive off never looking back*
"Grovyle you look exhausted thanks for all your help, but take a nap I'll wake you up when we get there, we have a long way to go"*he falls asleep, me and Mrs.Amon look at each other, it has always silent like this since Mr.Amon passed away, she cracks a smile*
"You'll be the best trainer" *i smile and I fall asleep hoping that when we wake up nothing will be different because it's everything is perfect, but I have trouble staying asleep, I can't get Kayla out of my mind, hoping that one day I may see her again and we could have the battle that she wanted*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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