𝐼𝒻 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊

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Before we start, have another tab opened up (if you are unable to see the video above). Go to YouTube specifically and search up If I loved you by Dick Haymes. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/xalQxfVbkNw 

Once the chapter has the words: music starts here, I insist you to click play. Read along with the music.


Under the soft moonlight of hell's crimson night, there was an odd pair walking in the Hazbin Hotel's Garden. Roses, dandelions, and lavenders were scattered across the garden and in the very middle of the garden was a small cobblestone fountain.

Angel and Alastor, together, watched the flowers. Hell felt at ease tonight, but something resentful weighed on Angel's chest.

A few words slipped out of Angel's mouth. It was a half-assed joke about flowers, an attempt that tried to alleviate the weight in his chest. Alastor laughed, nonetheless. An everlasting smile graced his lips.

"Al?" Angel said. His voice cracked.

"Angel dear, what's wrong?" Alastor said. He looked away from the roses with the little bugs on them.

"I know we've been dating for a few months, but you... I feel like your distant, Smiles."

"Whatever do you mean?"

"Dating people, they kiss all the time, sit under da' moonlight," Angel said. He shrugged, "I mean I really like ya. I got a crush on ya. But whenever I try doin' that stuff with you... ya hesitate, or sometimes don't seem interested at all... We've kissed a few times, and it was heaven but, i dunno."

"Do you really love me?" Angel asked.

"I'm new to this, mon beau." Alastor said.

'Be honest Alastor, please. I know you can fake anything."

Alastor winced," I do love you mon ange, but it is more complicated than you believe."

"I don't get ya Al....So you do love me?"

"Before we create a deeper mess of misunderstandings, Angel, may you please listen to me?" Alastor said.

"Yeah... sure smiles," Angel said. He saw the shadows take shape, holding violins and other instruments. Angel bit his tongue and focused on Alastor.

Music starts here. Read fast!

"If I loved you," Alastor began to sing.

"Time and again I would try to say," Alastor's hand draped on Angel's waist.

"All I'd want you to know." The other hand took Angel's hand on his own.

"If I loved you," Alastor waltzed with Angel.

"Words wouldn't come in an easy way." Angel's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Round in circle's I'd go." Alastor spun Angel, their hands separated within the movement. Alastor reaches out to grab Angel's hand.

"Longing to tell you." Alastor draws his hand back.

"But afraid and shy." Alastor picks up a rose.

"I'd let my golden chances." The rose wilts in his hand. "Pass me by."

"Soon you'd leave me," Alastor's smile dimmed.

"Al..." Angel whispered.

"Off you would go in the mist of day," Alastor caressed Angel's soft cheek.

"Never, never to know," Alastor's eyes crinkled. His hand dropped to pull Angel into an embrace, still dancing.

"How I loved you," Alastor sang, facing Angel.

"If I loved you."

Alastor said softly. He tried to pull out of the hug, but Angel squeezed him tight. The music faded quietly into the background.

"So ya do love me," Angel said.

"It's not that simple mon beau—" Alastor said. His voice cracking into static.

"No. It's okay Al. I get it. You love me, but it ain't that type of love. It ain't the love from fairy tales where they live together happily forever because of the hormones they get when they look at eachother...Hey, You don't love me for da' hormones, da sex or da power. You love me for being beside you. You love me for my company, for me just being me." Angel laughed.

"And that's fine Smiles, that's a lot better than the general crowd," Angel said.

"Angel... I, but you don't understand the extent of it. I don't feel the same way you do. You're very close to me mon beau. You are truly special in my soul, but I don't feel romance like you do, or care for... intercourse, like you do. Do you truly want to still be in this relationship knowing I can't reprocaite your feelings truly— I can act romantic I simply cannot feel..."

"We aren't breaking up hon. I'll be beside you as a friend... a lover, a partner in crime, heh maybe even family. You may not love me da' same way I love you, but love is love. Dat's okay," Angel said. He smiled, "You're my favorite person around, why should I let ya go?"

"Even if I tell you Angel, that I need some space once in a while... from this relationship?" Alastor said.

"Of course, hon. Doesn't anyone? I need my own self time too. I'm not that crazy and it ain't healthy to be clingy," Angel said.

Alastor laughed.

"Thanks for telling me Smiles, in your own musical way. Psh . For not being a natural feelin' romantic, you act like one," Angel said.

"My mamma always told me I had charm," Alastor said. Angel hugged Alastor.

"Hey Smiles, mind if I kiss you?"

"Of course, dear."


𝐼𝒻 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊  ONE-SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now