Chapter 13

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The next morning, the family of racers were at the Toretto garage all covered in engine grease. Dom and Mia were arguing although no one was paying them any attention, when a broken up car pulls up

"What the hell is this?" Dom questions "what do you got there?" he asks Brian

"This is your car" Brian states proudly gesturing to the vehicle

"My car?" Dom asks, Jesse hits the car "I said a 10 second car not a 10 minute car" the Toretto man states

"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it" Jesse says sarcastically

"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line" Zoe says just as sarcastic, Letty, Mia and Dom chuckle at the best friends

"No faith" Brian states

"I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard, this is a garage" Dom says amused and the 3 girls and 2 boys couldn't help but laugh (Leon and Jesse)

"Hey! Pop the hood" Brian says pointing at Jesse

"Pop the hood" Leon repeats

"Pop the hood" Brian says

After getting the beat up car off the tow truck Jesse rips the hood off with Zoe right next to him looking into the car as everyone watches them

"2JZ engine, no shit" the best friend duo exclaim in union

"And what did I tell you?" the blonde man states cockily

"I retract my previous statement" Dom answers

"You know what?" Zoe asks everyone looks at her "this will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it" she finishes looking at Dom with a hopeful expression

"Or more if we have to get overnight parts from Japan" Jesse states

Dom sighs seeing the 3 hopeful expressions on the teenagers faces "We'll put it on my tab at Harry's" he says

"Yes!" all the teenagers shout in excitement

"I got to get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass" Dom states gesturing towards Brian

"There's a show down in the desert next month called Race Wars" Zoe says everyone looks at her "that's where you'll do it" she finishes

"I'll tell you what, when you're not working at Harry's, you're working here" Dom says

"If you can't find the right tool in this garage Mr Arizona, you don't belong near any car" Zoe states finishing for her brother

"They own you now" Mia whispers to Brian once Dom walked away and Zoe wasn't paying attention

The next thing they see is car parts everywhere before it shows Zoe and Jesse putting a disc in a computer showing Brian some ideas they have for the car.

At the Toretto house Leon, Letty and Vince are seen pulling up getting out of the cars with grocery's for the Sunday barbeque but when Vince sees Brian he hands Leon his bags

"I'm out of here" he states

"Come on dog" Leon states trying to change his mind "Yo Dom" he says gesturing towards Vince

"Vince, get over here and give us a hand" Dom shouts

"Looks like you got all the help you need brother" Vince shouts back without turning around, Zoe just ignores the whole thing continuing to play basketball with Jesse

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