S6.12: Operation: Flashpoint

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What if Flash stopped being the Flash, but instead, went on a real date with Cheetara?

Cheetara: "If I can't have Flash all to myself, nobody will, except me!"

Here's where it starts: Tired of always competing with the AND over the attention of Flashfire, Cheetara resolves to make her dream date with Flash a reality, even if it means changing the timeline in the process.

Cheetara: "Now, Flash will be all mine!"

She expected things to be perfect in the new timeline, called "Flashpoint" by Zoomer, but it turned into a living hell. 

Cheetara: "Zoomer?! What are you doing here?! Leave us alone! Flashy and I are on a real date!"

Zoomer: "Come on! That's no way to talk to your own brother like that."

Flash: "Who's that?"

Zoomer: "Pretty slick move, changin' the timeline like that. You really messed this place up."

Cheetara: "That's not true! I just wanna go on a date with Flash!"

The Decepticons took over, the AND was never formed, and Unicron reigned as the Universe himself.

Zoomer: "You will have the Flash all to yourself if you do what I ask of you."

Cheetara: "No way! I'm happy in my world where I can date Flashy whenever I want!"

Zoomer: "Would you rather see everything destroyed? I got a home to go to ya know?!"

Whether she sees the error of her ways or not depends on Cheetara, as she makes a decision.

Cheetara: "I DON'T CARE! Even if the entire world gets destroyed, even if the timeline is messed up, I want Flash! He's mine!"

However, Vector Prime appears and reveals that the cause of Flashpoint falls on Cheetara herself as she must fix the timeline before Flashpoint becomes permanent.

Vector Prime: "The more your love for Flashfire grows, the stronger the hate for him grows too."

Zoomer: "You've been making yourself stronger for me, always for me."


Cheetara: "How can I believe anything you say?! I hate you!"

Zoomer: "Then you're just going to have to hate me for all eternity, as my equal!"


Vector Prime: "Cheetara's Flashpoint is stabilizing, and the real timeline will cease to exist. If nothing is done, we will be imprisoned, forever."

This makes Zoomer angry, as he blames the entire mess on Cheetara and disappears. 

Zoomer: "NOOOOOOOOOO! This is all your fault! You couldn't do it correctly, you should have never done it at all!"

Flash: "Zoom, stop! You're destroying the treehouse!"

Zoomer: "No! It's happening too fast! I want you, Sis! You're all I've got! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Cheetara: "It's too late. I'm falling apart too."

Flash: "We'll get help! Vector! Vector, where are you?"

Cheetara: "It's okay, Flash, he's gone. But, before I go, promise me one thing: If you're really the fastest bot I know and love, you'll save our future, and also, I love you, so much. Now, run, Flashy, run."

Cheetara is being erased too but not before telling a heartbroken Flash to reset the timeline and save their future. Flash runs so fast that he resets the timeline, and finally kisses Cheetara. Then, Cheetara is invited to join the AND.

Flash: "Welcome to the A.N.D., Cheetara."

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