Waking up

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    You wake right in front of the door to your dorm. You see 2 professors over you- Wait, no, there's just one, you realize as their images merge together. 

When you sit up you can see their mouths moving, but you don't hear anything. You walk into your dorm and shut the door, but you can't even hear your footsteps. 

    Have you gone deaf from the fall? You open the freezer and that's when the sound turns back on.

It's amazing that you've forgotten how loud the world is after just a few moments. You stand up and reset your brain to get accustomed to the sound. After A few seconds you bend back down to get the ice cream.

    You go to get a spoon, but there's nothing in your drawer. You check every cabinet, but there's still nothing. Even though you can't remember what happened leading up to the fall, you can remember that you definitely had silverware.

    When you turn around you start to think you're dreaming. There are spoons everywhere. They're covering every surface of your house.

When you step on the spoons they squish like gum under your feet and red pours out of them. Are they... bleeding? No, they can't be. It must be you. You keep walking, and the spoons continue to squish under your feet.

    You make it out of your dorm and see a bright sign at the end of the long hallway. You walk closer and start to see what it says; "Rat cafe" You read. Too many weird things have happened today, so you decide to go to investigate- Things can't get worse at this point. 

You're greeted by a large, harry rat. Startled by this creature, you turn back around.

    " Buy something, kid. "  Says the rat.

You really don't want to eat rat-infected food, but then you think about all the bad things that might happen if you don't listen to it.

    " Uh- Ok, I'll just look at the menu.. " You look at the chalkboard that's behind the rat. Cheeseburgers, salad, and meatballs. 

    " Salad, Please." You tell the rat.

It goes to work assembling your salad and hands it to you. 

    " 3 coins, please. " It tells you. 

There isn't a high chance that you'll have any sort of currency in your pockets, but you check anyways. Surprisingly, you find 5 coins in your jacket pocket. You select 3 and give them to the rat.

    " Thanks.. " You walk away.

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