you are mine

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Chimon pov:

Perth tanapon, the name strikes fear into everyone's heart. The look in his eyes could make anyone cover in fear. He wasn't like most strong guys, he didn't bully kids. He never messed up with anyone, until they started first. He only stayed with his group. But all the time he stays silent. His friends are the ones who always get revenge if someone messes up with them. He didn't study at all. I wondered how he made up for senior year.

"Chimon, can I speak to you" our English teacher said to me. I nodded .

I see, My best friend Nanon looks at me. I just nodded at him and said I will see you after talking with the teacher.

I went to the teacher's room.

"Yes sir, did I do something?" I asked scardly.
He just smiled at me. And said,
"No, you didn't". I let out a sign.

"Actually, I have a favour to ask. I want you to tutor someone, after school. You can tutor him at the school library for one or two hours". I looked at the teacher.

"But sir, whom do I have to tutor?"

"Perth" i get shocked. I don't know what to say. Should I accept the offer or not. I was thinking but teacher spoke again.

"Perth, is not good in studies. And this is his last year. He is not a bad guy just a little cold. But he said if you will tutor him, then he will start to study. You are a brilliant student. You always get top marks in whole class. You are also good at teaching. So can you please tutor him". He said.

"He said he want to get tutored by me?" I asked with shocked.

Teacher smiled at me "yes, he did"." He come to me this morning and requested me to ask you. If you are okay with this can you please go to library this evening after school. He will be right there. You can start with these assignments." He handed the assignments to me.

"Sure sir, I will tutor him. Anything else sir".

"No, thank you for accepting the offer. If he did something to you. Tell me, I will talk with him then". I nodded at teacher's word. "You can go now"

"Thanku sir.." i bowed at teacher, And left the room.

Did he really asked for me to tutor him. I can't believe. Like, did he really want me as his tutor. I am so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice my friend Nanon is waiting for me outside the class. He called my name.

"Chimon.. chimon... CHIMON...."

I startled, "yess what happened, why are you yelling my name".

"I was calling you from last 2 minutes, where are you day dreaming". He asked me.

"Nothing, i was just thinking something".

"Okay, then let's go home". He said to me after picking up his backpack.

"Umm, you go ahead. I have to tutor someone. He is waiting for me in library. You can use my cycle, I will walk." I handed him key of my cycle.

He looked at me suspicious. "Who are you going to tutor. Did teacher called you because of that."

" Yes. Teacher want me to tutor perth." I said to him.

He looks at me with smirked" oh, reallyyyy.... So you are going to tutor your crush hmmm..., all the best buddy." He said to me with his silly smirk.

I rolled my eyes. " Yes, yes, thank you. You also go to your boyfriend buddy. He is properly waiting for you." I laughed at him. When he looked at the time and said

"shiyaaa, I am 10 minutes late. He is going to be mad at me. I am going Mon. Take care. If something happened don't call me. Deal with it." After saying this, he ran away. I laughed at him.

Nanon is my only friend who I trust. We both live in same apartment. I don't have a parent's. They died last year. So I started to live with him. He is my only family. We both are gay. We understand each other. He is already in a relationship with perth's friend ohm. They are perfect match in my eyes. They really love each other. I am so happy for him that he has someone.

Perth, he is my crush. He is so handsome. He is always calm, Yet scary. No one dare to say anything to him. He just talk with his friends. He don't bully anyone but if you mess up with his friends then he will show his real self. That's why no one in the school mess up with them.

I started to walk towards my locker. I grab the needed assignments and books and lock the locker. I turned around only to be smashed back into the lockers. Infront of me stood the homophobic jerk, tiw. (I just randomly choose a name)

He has been bullying me and Nanon, since we came out as gay. But when Nanon started to date ohm. No one dare to bully him. They are scared of ohm. So nobody messed up with him anymore. Because all of us know if we mess up with one of perth's friend or someone his friends care about, you are going to face directly perth then. And he was not someone you want to fight with.

"Whatsup, fag?" Tiw asked. he always used to call us by these names. He grabbed me by my collar, and slam me back into the lockers. I gasped out in pain . But i didn't cry. I can't cry infront of him. He punched me on my face. My nose started to bleed. He again punched me twice on my stomach. Damn, it's hurt. I can fought back but what was the point. It will just go by faster this way.

He left me alone after few more punches. I groaned loudly. Thank God there is no one. I stayed like that for some time. I wiped my face. I slowly stood up and grabbed my bag, heading towards library.

I walked in library and saw perth is sitting in the corner. The corner, where I always sat. I frowned my eyes, does he know I also always sit here. He properly don't know.

I felt my nose is still bleeding, i pressed my sleeve against it. I walked towards him.

"Umm... hey, sorry I'm late.." i mumbled. This is the first time I am talking to him. I am just little scared from him. My heart is beating fast.

He slowly looked at me. His handsomeness always took away my breath. I gulped at my own thoughts. His eyes darkened as he look at my bruise face. Oh shit, he is really scaring me. Did I make the right decision of tutoring him? I thought and gulped again.


Hey guys ..
So here is my 2 one shot.. I will post it as 2 or 3 parts .. hope you will love it.
See you soon ..
I will post the next part today evening to tomorrow.
Ignore my grammer mistakes pls.
Vote and comment pls
Thank you for reading.
Always sport perthchimon🖤💛

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