Chapter 1

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There is always some kind of bumping music coming from the garage, along with the crashing and banging of tools and metal hitting the floor as someone works on one car owned by one Meryl Lockhart, the Doctor Police girlie. The door squeaks open as the mixtape on the old Boombox starts to play Johnny Cash’s “One Piece at a Time”, as the mystery person turns off the boombox, as the person under the car continues to sing.

“I got it one piece at a time, and it didn't cost me a di-”

The mystery person clears their throat and speaks, it's turns out to be everyone's favorite autist, Percival “Percy” King!

“Pandora, could you please come out from under Meryl’s patrol car, and if you could stop singing about stealing automobile parts as well that would be nice.”, she says bluntly and in the monotone.

The 6’0 behemoth of a woman rolls out from under the squad car on her Creeper and sits up to look up at Percy, covered in oil, grease, and dirt. She opens and speaks with a sweet but terse southern voice, deep and only matched by Howie Honeyglow…well deep for a woman.

“What did I say about touching my stereo, Percival.”, Pandora said, sounding like a bear.

“My apologies, Pandora, I know the stereo is special to you, and is an antiquated item.”, Percy apologizes.

“T’s fine… why are you even here, thought you didn't like the noise and smell of the garage?”, she sounded puzzled, confused even as she tried to cater to all the mental and physical issues that everyone in her precinct had. Percy looked at the car Pandora was working on, then back at Pandora, she looked hesitant to speak.

“I've heard…you used to partake in debauchery…?” she says, like she was asking if a drug dealer had “the goods”.

Pandora rolled her eyes and sighed. “You mean I used to be involved in underground fighting and racing rings? What about it? You want to go a few rounds?”

Percy shakes her head. “Absolutely not. However, this does pertain to your…skills at this. I've been selected to do an undercover case to bust an underground racing ring. I was wondering if-”

Pandora excitedly cut her off “If I could help you around and bust it..?”

Percy has catched on and nods.
“Yes, that would be the case. I do have to ask if you have a car that isn't under the ownership of the Police Precinct.”

Pandora looks at her incredulously, as she gets up and cleans her hands on her pants
“Do crowbars fly?”

Percy looks quizzically at her
“What do you mean by crowbars flying? Crowbars do not fly and are used to pry op-”

Pandora again cuts her off, “Perce, it's a figure of speech, of course I have a car. It'll work.”

Percy nods, taking note of everything, and staring at Pandora.
“I've done undercover work with you previously, and we are not going to Blowout Burger again. I'm choosing dinner.”

Pandora sighs like a child when hearing this.
“What's wrong with Blowout Burger? It tastes great!”

Percy sighs and opens her mouth
“Well for starters, it's unmantienced in the hygiene category, the tables always have a pall of grease that cause my gloves to, in turn become greasy, the food is extremely greasy and unhealthy, the service is abhorrent, and it triggers my hypoglycemia.”, she finishes matter-of-factly. Pandora looks shocked at this.

“Hypoglycemia…. I don't know what that means, but it probably isn't too good.”

Percy shakes her head in agreement as she infodumps about hypoglycemia, as if she is the living embodiment of WebMD.
“Hypoglycemia is a condition that stems from low blood sugar, and has the symptoms of dizziness and blurred vision. It can also cause one to be short-tempered, nervous, afraid, or confused.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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