Chapter 1 - A New beginning

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"What will she do now? She’s completed her bachelor’s degree! Is she getting a job? Is she planning to settle down? Is she even searching for a job?" my relatives bombarded me with questions.

I felt overwhelmed. All I wanted was peace, something I knew I wouldn't find at home. Desperate to escape, I started searching for colleges, hoping that being away would give me the freedom I craved. But in hindsight, I wondered if this was another bad decision. I couldn’t help but think, "Why is it always ME who has to suffer the most?"

With what little courage I had left, I booked a spot at a college in Bangalore, far away from home. As the day to leave approached, doubts crept in, but I knew there was no turning back. I put on a brave face for my family, fearing their taunts if I showed any hesitation. I packed my belongings, said a tearful goodbye to my beloved pet, Sweety, and left, knowing that a hectic new life awaited me.

After 8-9 hours of travel by car and flight, I finally arrived in Bangalore—a city buzzing with techies, dreams, and a relentless pace. While I loved the cool weather, the traffic was a nightmare. I reached my college, completed the necessary paperwork, and headed to the hostel office, clinging to the hope of getting a single room. But, true to my bad luck, I was assigned a double seater room with a roommate I instantly regretted meeting and with minimal facilities.

**Day 1 in the hostel:**

I quickly realized that choosing a double seater room was a mistake. I had already paid for six months, but it felt like I had signed up for a prison sentence. Determined to survive, I adopted a tough attitude, telling myself, "No more being pushed around. A 'No' from me means NO." This newfound resolve gave me the strength to adapt to my surroundings.

I tried focusing on the brighter side, making an effort to talk to some of my batchmates who were genuinely nice. But as an introvert, striking up conversations was challenging. I ended up sticking with just two people from different streams, which turned out to be another mistake. My stream had formed close-knit groups, and I felt like an outsider.

Summoning my courage, I texted a guy from my stream, admitting that I was an introvert who struggled to initiate conversations. He reassured me, saying, "It’s okay! Take your time and get along. We won’t bite… just try to be playful."

His words comforted me, and I realized they were indeed friendly and approachable. I decided to give it another shot, but my introverted nature held me back once more. Then came the exam invigilation duties, where I was forced to interact with students and conduct vivas. This pushed me out of my shell, and I started talking to my batchmates. By the weekend, I felt a sense of belonging that I hadn’t experienced before.

In the next chapter, you’ll meet my immature roommate—someone who hasn’t quite figured out what to say or when to say it. Stay tuned for the chaotic dynamics of living with someone who tests your patience at every turn.

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