Part 2

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From Elizabeth's stories.

The fairy with the black dress said that we would sleep here.- But why? Hanari asked.- The doors are closed, I'll show you where you can sleep. We went to bed, and I had a lot of thoughts, what if we were sisters? The fairy with the black dress, this is the fairy Hanari. The fairy with the blue dress is Violetta. And the fairy with the purple dress, this is my fairy godmother.We were scared. We started looking for flashlights. I realized that something was wrong in the closet, I pushed it open and a secret door opened. There were two portals, one to a good fairy tale, and the second to a fairy tale of evil. Of course, we turned into a good fairy tale. There we rested and headed through the streets of the city of the good fairy tale. We saddled three unicorns and rode them to look for weapons. We were also looking for a house in which no one lives. Having found a beautiful house, we began to clean it. The house had five floors: on the ground floor there was a living room, Hanari's room is on the second floor, Violetta's room is on the third, and my room is on the fourth. Let's start with Ha-nari, she decorated her room with paintings of the wind, I with snowflakes, and Violetta with stars. And for good reason, because these were our forces, I thought: we are in a good fairy tale, we have entered the portal of a good fairy tale. But there is also an evil fairy tale, and there is clearly something in it that we need. Hanari told me that we need to go to an evil fairy tale, but only with good weapons. We agreed, and went on the roads to look for weapons. We found some great swords and decorated them. And so we went into an evil fairy tale. There we saw a hut on chicken legs, there was a fence around it and on each plank, a human figure. And can you imagine? Only three were missing! We were very scared because there were three of us too. We were reaching for our swords. However, they did not have time to touch them. Baba Yaga spoke:- Ugh, ugh, I can smell it from another world! She turned to us and continued:- Come on, girls, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you.Serve in three days and I will give you a reward. And if you can't, then your heads will hang on these three necks!"Okay, we agree," I agreed.- What!?!? The girls shouted in unison.- What do we need to do? I asked.- Feed my mares every day! Yaga said sternly.- That's it? We asked.- Girls!!! I shouted.

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