Ch-1 Champion Stuff

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Author's note
K now I won't make it boring by doing all that nonsense about this being my first story and all, while I will still appreciate your support.


Narrator : Our hero has finally beaten Leon and has become the world champion let's see where the wind takes him now.

Ash's POV

We start running towards Prof. Oak's ranch after saying bye to Mom.

I look towards Pikachu and say ," Now that we have finally beaten Leon I don't know what's next, hopefully Prof. Oak has something for us." Sighing towards the end.

Pikachu said,"Pika!"

I smile and say,"You are right buddy! We'll find something."

(They reach the ranch)

Pikachu jumps on my shoulder as we enter the lab.

I call out,"Professor! We are here."

Tracy pokes his head out of a door and says,"Hey Ash! This way."

I walk towards the door and enter to see that Tracy is working with some device and Prof. Oak is seated on a desk.

I greet,"Hi Prof. Oak! You called for us?"
Pikachu supplies from my shoulder,
"Pi Pikachu!"

Prof. Oak smiles at us and says,"It's nice to see you guys. I called you because I needed to discuss few things with you."

I tilt my head with confusion and say,"What things?"

He continues,"You see now that you are the World Champion it comes with some perks.
Like you can carry maximum 8 Pokemon with you."

I get excited and say,"That would be awesome."

Prof. Oak chuckles at my excitement and says,"Wait till you hear all of them. You also get a hefty paycheck for your appearances with other financial perks. But you also get a lot of duties like appearing at events and doing exhibition matches."

I try to be serious and nod my head as I say," I understand."

Prof. Oak grabs an envelope from his drawer and keeps it on the table,"Good. Now we come to second reason I called you. You have got an invitation for the Masterclass in Kalos region."

My eyes widen as I say,"The Masterclass?! As in the performing Masterclass?!,"

Prof. Oak raises an eyebrow as he says,"Yes Ash that Masterclass. I take it that you know about it. But I am curious to know how you know about it."

I felt myself blushing as I began to answer his question,"We-ll while traveling through Kalos one of my travel companions used to take part in them and she qualified for the Masterclass so I know about it."

Prof. Oak chuckled slightly,"Well then there's a chance you might see her again. You might want to make sure that you keep in touch with her this time."

My blush deepend,"Why wo-uld you sa-y that"

Prof. Oak just sighed and said,"Ah Young love."

I needed a way to get out of the situation so I say, "I'll go pick up my team."and run out of the lab with Pikachu behind me.

As I get out of the lab I start thinking about the girl who has been on my mind for a while now.


(thoughts)The incident at the airport had left an effect on me that I couldn't explain but while I was in Alola Prof. Kyuki helped me understand about the feelings and when I saw her on our visit to Hoen, I wish I could have talked to her. Anyways now I have the chance. (thoughts end)

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