The Bruise

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I find myself settled at a table with Lillith, Obi, Mitsuhide, Garak, and Shirayuki a few hours after the confrontation with Prince Raji. I'm not sure what exactly happened after Prince Zen had Obi escort me from the room, but from what Mitsuhide told us, Prince Raji and Sakaki left the castle shortly after. I definitely don't mind that in the slightest. Our gathering, according to Obi, is to celebrate the dismissal of the 'idiot prince'. I gratefully accept my third drink while laying my cards down on the table. A series of sighs and groans fills the air as I scoot my winnings across the table toward me.

"I don't understand how you're so good at this," Obi whines. "I can read everyone's tells except for yours."

"I'm not sure what to tell you. I just play and whatever happens, happens." I shrug.

Obi lightly grabs my hand as I reach over for a snack so I look up in confusion but find his eyes locked onto my wrist. There is a series of finger shaped bruises circling it and I swear they only look so dark because I am ghostly pale, but it doesn't look pleasant. Prince Raji's grip was harder than I thought. Obi's eyes darken to a harsh glare before he seemingly flips a switch and his sweet innocent aura returns.

"I hope you're alright. I hadn't realized he caused an injury."

"I'm fine," I tell him with a small smile. "I didn't even realize it was there. Thank you for your concern though."

"Points for Obi." I hear Garak say, trying to cover it with obviously fake coughs.

"Are you back on this weirdness? I still don't understand what you're on about." I sigh, making Lillith and Garak laugh.

"They're all clueless! This is brilliant!" Lillith snickers, using Garak as leverage to keep herself from falling off the bench.

Our games ended just after midnight and Mitsuhide and Obi had escorted me to my room, but now I can't sleep. I've been lying here for at least two hours now just staring out the window. Prince Raji frightened me just by existing here at the castle, but I was too optimistic to think he wouldn't recognize me. I didn't expect for him to try to harm me but he definitely has more power than I do. If I were in his kingdom at the time, there's no telling what would have happened. I owe Obi for stepping in to save me and I still owe Mitsuhide for his help during our first encounter. I sit up at the sound of semi-quiet arguing in the hall. It sounds like Obi and Mitsuhide, but why would they be arguing?

I debate on getting up to see what's going on but part of me knows it's not my business to hear what they're arguing about. I can only make out a word here and there, but not enough for it to make sense. It must be important though if its enough to cause a problem. The arguing stops before I can make a decision so I return to looking out the window. It seems like nice weather to take a walk. It's better than just sitting here in the dark. Since it's quiet on the other side of the door it must be safe to go out now. I get to my feet and pull a sweater on and find my shoes. The arguing starts again as I open the door to find Obi and Mitsuhide glaring at each other. They both look to me and I start to wish I decided to stay in bed.

"What's going on?" I ask quietly. "I can hear you through the door. It stopped so I assumed you were gone."

"I'm sorry Miss Arwen, did we wake you?"

"No, I couldn't sleep so I was going to go for a walk, but now I need to know what's causing you two to fight."

"It's nothing really. Just a banter between friends is all." Mitsuhide answers and I know immediately that it's a lie.

"I don't believe you, but it's really none of my business I suppose. I just hope that whatever it is will work itself out. Have a good night you two."

I make my way out onto the grounds and smile at the soft breeze and the moonlight. It feels rather peaceful considering the events of the day. I wander the grounds, my only company are the occasional guards stationed throughout the area. Most of them greet me quietly as we pass or give a nod of acknowledgement. I find a spot beneath a tree to settle down on and rest my back against the trunk. I take a deep breath and look up at the moon. It still feels so strange being here and having this place be my new home. I miss my grandmother's house though and I miss her too. She would have loved hearing about what my life is like now... but I need to leave soon. Just a few more days.

Alone *Obi x Oc x Mitsuhide* (IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now