Chapter 1: The Beginning

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"Alice! Come here my darling!" 

  A little girl with blonde curly ringlets and a large blue bow that rested atop the golden locks, ran as fast as her little legs allowed towards her caring mother. She leapt into her arms and held her as tightly as possible. 

"I love you, mommy." little Alice cooed. 

"And I love you too, my precious Alice. More than you'll ever know."

  The two embraced each other in the midst of the early morning winter air. The trees had lost their green thickness, and the grass had nearly withered away. The sky was full with a thick, cloudy overcast that was usually normal for their small Washington town. The wind nipped at their noses, but they paid no attention. Their love was strong enough to rid such feelings. 

"There you two are." a masculine voice sounded from the east. Little Alice perked her head up and smiled widely as she noticed a tall man walking their way. He wore a thick, dark green coat that Alice absolutely loved to snuggle in. 

"Daddy!" she yelped and took off like a rocket towards her father. He bent down slightly on his knees, held out his arms and caught her as she jumped into his loving embrace. 

"How are my two favorite girls?" he asked while adjusting her bow that matched the color of her sparkling eyes.

"Just fine, darling." her mother stood up and kissed her father on the cheek. Alice was startled when she gelt a strange vibration deep within his chest, but she thought nothing of it. 

"Mommy, please tell me the story. Please!" Alice begged, wriggling around in her father's arms. He chuckled and sat her down on the blanket by their favorite tree in the empty park. 

"I think it's story time." she said with a proud grin. They all sat down together like the loving family they truly were. Her father pulled her mother close, while she settled Alice in between them, protecting her from the frigid winter wind. But she didn't feel at all that cold. In fact, Alice loved the winter climate. She reveled in it. 

"Once upon a time, there was a young woman who lived in a grand village, filled with happy people and singing children. All was well and the village was ruled by a mighty, but kind King who loved and cherished his people. You see, the King had yet to be married, and the time was drawing close for him to find a bride," Alice leaned in closer with wide eyes. "The King was never very close to anyone, but he had a best friend that he deeply cared for. They did everything together, and the King trusted his friend like no other. He even trusted him with his life!" 

Alice gasped and held her father's hand tightly. 

"One day, as the King and his friend were making their way about the village, they saw a young maiden working in a small bakery. The King saw her and fell in love. He knew that he would make this maiden his bride and they would be happy, for her beauty and kindness captivated him. But what he did not know, was that he was not the only one to have fallen in love with the maiden. His friend wanted her too, so he tried to stay out of sight from the young woman. The King courted the maiden, who graciously accepted, until one day she met a man whom she undeniably fell in love with at first sight."

"His friend?" Alice asked. 

Her mother nodded and said, "Yes, she fell in love with the other man. It wasn't their fault. They didn't want to hurt the King, for they both truly cared for him, but fate brought them together. Their souls were destined for one another, and so they knew that they must be together from that day out. When the King found out about their secret love, he did not take it kindly. He felt angry and betrayed. His friend had taken the woman he loved and she had hurt him just as deeply. He warned the lovers to stay away from each other, and even banished his dear friend from the kingdom, but it was not enough. The night before the wedding, the woman snuck out of the castle and ran to her true love. He waited for her in the woods underneath the full moon. And when they met, he kissed her with so much passion that her heart nearly exploded out of the love she had for him." 

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