Chapter 2: A New Life

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As my eyes flutter open, the rays from the early morning sun temporarily blind me. Sitting up, I yawn and stretch my arms over my head, reveling momentarily in the serenity of the feeling. My eyes widen even further as I pick up the smell of bacon coming from downstairs. I smile and leap out of bed, making sure to get ready as fast as I can. 

After I've showered and dressed myself, I put a little red pin in my hair to match my new crimson dress that my mother had bought for me a few weeks ago. I smooth out the fabric as I check myself in the mirror, smiling again as I approve. 

I make my way down the stairs and frown when I notice my two older brothers, Colin and Emery, piling their plates full of bacon. They've nearly taken the entire plate!

"Hey!" I shout from the hallway, marching straight in the dining room. "Leave me some bacon, you jerks!" I reach for the plate and take the rest. I even manage to use my quick reflexes to steal some from their plates. They look startled as I smirk at them while chomping on a piece of meaty goodness. 

"That was our bacon!" the retorted simultaneously. I suppose I should mention they are twins. And annoying ones at that. 

"Too bad. That's what you get for taking it all. Besides, today you should be catering to me, remember?" 

"She's right." 

We turn our heads towards the kitchen when we hear our father's voice. He has a new plate of bacon ready for us, but sits it down in front of me first. I smile and thank him, then grin mischievously as I start to grab loads and loads of it. Colin and Emery scowl disapprovingly as I continue to torture them. 

"Happy Birthday, Princess." my dad says with a glowing grin. 

"Thank you, dad." I lean up and kiss him on the cheek, which causes a small blush to form on his cheeks. I love brining out the softy in him. His dark green eyes soften as he looks down at me with admiration. 

My father is the lead warrior of our village pack. He is extremely tall, strong and handsome for a wolf as old as he. He told me once that he was born in 1795, while my mother was born in 1943. They met in 1992 and fell in love almost immediately. 

"So because it's her birthday, she gets first dibs on the food?" Colin asks in disbelief. 

My father frowns and says, "You should know that's how it works by now, Colin. Everyone gets the first choice on their birthday. You don't hear your sister complain about you on your birthday, do you?"

Colin groans and leans back in his chair while Emery chuckles softly. 

"Where's mom?" I ask with my mouth full. 

My dad shoots me a warning glare from my bad mannerism. I smile apologetically and swallow my food. 

"She is making some pancakes in the kitchen and then she'll be right out. We know how much our little princess loves her pancakes!" 

"Oh, come on!" Colin slaps the table with his hand and closes his eyes. My victory smile only widens dramatically. This is the greatest benefit of a birthday. In our family, we gloat, knowing that we get a wildcard to drive each other crazy. 

"So when do you think it'll come this year?" Emery asks just as mom comes out with a high stack of my second favorite breakfast food. 

"There is my little birthday girl!" she announces. "I can't believe you're sixteen. It seems like just yesterday you were a little girl running around the backyard chasing your brothers. Oh, the memories!" Her red hair sways slightly from left to right as she prances into the room. 

"Thanks, mom." I say. "Don't worry though, I will never stop chasing around thing one and thing two here!" I wink. 

"Oh, you're so on, Alice!" Colin and Emery both challenge. 

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