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It's June 19, 1994.

The heart of Tokyo.

The Intergalatic Tyrant Spacegodzilla has just been defeated by the combined efforts of Godzilla, G-force, and the JSDF.

After the beast is vanquished, all seems normal for a moment, but as Spacegodzillas body disintegrates, the massive stellar energy that is released opens a massive distortion in the fabric of space and time, leading to a massive, 100 Meter tall gate to appear where Spacegodzilla used to be.

The gates' massive doors slowly swing open, revealing a massive army emerging in roaman Ligonier attire. Typical of an ancient Army Except for the ones that were riding dragons as airial cavalry, along with the thousands of 5 orc like creatures that were with them

The Army Exited the gate, and the head officers (evident by the highly decorated uniforms looked over the devastated city to survey the situation for a moment.

But the second they saw the titanic Monster, known to all (except them) as Godzilla, their eyes went so wide they almost popped out of their sockets and screamed orders in an unknown language

They (presumably) screamed orders to retreat, and the Army was happy to comply, and the massive force (well over 10,000 men) went right back the way they came, screaming for their lives.


In a bit of a funny moment, Godzilla and G-force looked at each other, each as confused as the other, with Godzilla letting out a low pitch growl of confusion while tilting his head in a "What the actual fuck was that" type of way.

G-force was somewhat shocked, as this was the first time Godzilla showed that he was capable of human-like intelligence and expression

Helicopter pilot: "He could communicate to us this whole fucking time!? That SON OF A BITCH!!"

Godzilla then started walking through the giant gateway, slightly ducking so that his head wouldn't hit the top of the massive doorframe

G-Force commander: "wha- Where's he going?"

JSDF General: "Well, let's go find out, I dont think he cares about as as much anymore."

G-force commander: "(sigh)...fine, we should at least see what the hell... this.. even is. We can't have some horrific abomination right under our nose without us knowing about it."

It took a few hours to gather a sufficient force, just in case godzilla changed his mind mid walk.

Once they had organized, they set off through the massive gate towards an unknown new world.

Alnus Hill
2 minutes ago

The Imperial Scouting Army looked up towards the growing gate that the legends foretold of.

They were not, however, expecting the Gate to grow in size so massively.

But The Army had their charge, and they had to secure alnus hill, big or small gate.

They left a small vanguard, to make sure that no one or nothing would launch an ambush on the advancing Army. And they dutifully held their guard.

Godzilla: End Of Days (Godzilla X Hazbin Hotel X Gate)Where stories live. Discover now