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Heaven Embassy

Alastors viewing portal had revealed the human army, marching out of the middlemost gate, only to turn around and see the other two.

And now, shit gets weird.

Lucifer: "AHHH FUCK They aren't supposed to know about this!"

Joel: "Hold on, I dont think this is cause for alarm..."

Alastor: "and how is that?"

Joel: "Well, this other gate is not like the ones in our realms, I can feel it... I think it might be a different reality entirely, or something along those lines."

Saraphim: "If this is true, it explains where the Beast came from, and where we need to try to get it to go back to as well.

Alastor: "Well, that sounds like a Lovely plan, but a bit more of an immediate concern, what to do about them?"

Alastor asked as he pointed his cane/Microphone at the human army from the other world.

Michael: "Due to the fact that they are from the same world as this creature, and probably have knowledge about these gateways, I say we open talks with them, or at least there commanding officers."

Lucifer: "Well, what about when they go back to their own world, Wont the news that Heaven and Hell exist will cause pandemonium in the human world?"

Alastor: "Unlikely, remember that this is the gateway that that giant Behemoth came from as well. so I'm suspecting that they have already dealt with this kind of thing already. And besides, it's a different reality entirely, so even if the cats out of the bag, so to speak, it will have no effect on our situation."

Saraphim: "Alastor is correct, given the situation, gathering as much information as we can should be our top priority."

Michael: "Speaking of whom, Alastor, could you use this ability to see where the Beast has gone? I find it wise to be prepared if we need to prepare a defense."

Alastor: "But of course.. One moment."

Alastors pupils then turned unto radio dials, hundreds of his voodoo symbols manifested midair in the room and everything began to go dark, except for the viewing portal thing, and alators face, mainly his giant, golden Smile

As he did this, a strong breeze picked up, and those who had hats (Lucifer) lost them in the gust.

Then, some of the chairs began levitating

Angel: "WHOOOOO, I haven't had this much of a ride since last night!"

Lute/Adam : "Shut up whore!"

But after a few seconds, everything calmed down, and came to a halt, the orb had also began to  display Godzilla, slowly lumbering off into the distance in some field.

Lucifer got up and retrieved his hat, then asked Alastor as he sat down:

Lucifer: " OK Seriously, how are you able to do that, either you've been holding back the entire time you've been in hell, or you've acquired this power very recently.

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