Dinner for Two

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Clary was in the bathroom getting ready, while Jace was waiting on the bed. It didn't take him as long to get ready. All he had to do was comb his hair back, and change into the fanciest clothes he had, which consisted of a dark suit and the coat opened up to a plain white shirt. He was debating on wearing a tie but decided not to, seeing is how he would of just ripped it off later anyway.

As he waited for his love to finish up, Jace looked down at his left hand to admire the Herondale family ring on his finger. He remembered when Clary gave it to him and he started joking about her name and how one day she will be a Herondale too. Jace had thought about that many times since that day. He would even sometimes have dreams about proposing to Clary and on those nights he would have the best sleep of his life. Starring at the ring now, he wondered what she would say if he was to ask her to marry him. But that was a desision Clary won't have to make for awhile now. At least not until Jocylen warmed up to him a little bit more.

At that moment Clary came out of the bathroom in a green floor length dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Her hair was down and she wore very little makeup. As for her shoes, she wore just plain black flats. Jace stared at her with admiration in his eyes. He stood up d walked towards her, never taking his eyes off of her. "You look beautiful," he said as he looked into her mesmorizing emerold eyes. A blush of red colored her cheeks. "You don't look to bad yourself," Clary replied."I do my best," was all he said before he offers his arm to her. She giggled, then gladly took it, and they walked to the elevator together.

The cab ride didn't take long and before they knew it, they were standing in front of an elegant restaurant called, "Passion". Jace held his hand out to Clary and asked, "Shall we ?" Clary took his hand and answered, "We shall." The inside was a beautiful room of tables decorated with a white cloth. A chandallier was hanging from the center of the ceiling and a piano was being played somewhere, setting the romantic mood.

Jace walked Clary towards the host booth where a woman stood with a greeting smile. She had her long brown hair pulled up and she wore a white button down with a black vest over it and black trousers. She looked up to them but her eyes were set on Jace. "Hello and welcome to Passion," she said, "do you have a reservation?" She was still looking at Jace with a grin plastered on her lips that showed she was interested at him. This made Clary's blood boil. "Yes," said Jace," Herondale, table for two." And with that said, her wrapped his arms around Clary, showing every girl in the restaurant, including the hostess, that he was taken. That whipped the smirk right off the hostesses face. "Okay, right this way," she said as she grabbed two menus and begun walking toward there table with Jace and Clary following behind her.

Their table was in the far back corner, promising some privacy. Jace helped Clary sit down and push her in like a gentleman before he took his own seat across from her. "Your waiter will be with you shortly," the hostess said and then she walked away but not without another glance at Jace. Why is it that they can never go anywhere without practically every girl checking Jace out? Clary has always feared that one day, Jace will notice one of them and leave her for them. But in situations like this, Clary mentally reminds herself how much he loves her and how much they've been through together.

Jace saw her worried look and being the concerned boyfriend that he was asked, "What's wrong." Clary looked up at the golden eyes that melted her and hesitated. "Nothing I'm fine," she tried to say with a smile, but Jace could obviously see that she was bothered and what it was that bothered her. He reached over the table and took her hand in his and spoke with love and reasurence, "Clary, no matter how manny girls look at me, I have and always will have eyes for you. I love you." His words of love always made her heart feel warm and made her happy again. "I love you too," she replied.

Just after that, the waiter comes. It was a man, thank the angel, with short blond hair combed back. He wore the same thing the hostess wore. "Hello, I'm Rick and I will be your waiter for this evening," he spoke with kindness, "Is there anything I can get you to drink?" Clary was about to just say water seeing as how the price of the other beverages were big, but before she could voice out her choice Jace told the waiter to bring their best champaign. And with a nod, the waiter left. Clary looked at him like he was crazy. He chuckled and asked, "What?" "You. You know I'm perfectly fine with just water." Jace, with Clary's hand still in his, started tracing patterns on the back of her hand. "Well tough. Its a celebration and I think we at least deserve a treat. Besides, its not like I can't afford it. Tonight we should get to be spoiled for a change." Clary giggled at the fact he was stubborn and wouldn't take no for an answer. Since there was no point in fighting it, Clary just looked at her menu to decide what she wanted.

Rick came back with a little table with a bucket of ice balanced on one hand and and a bottle of chamaign in the other. He showed Jace the bottle and with a nod from Jace, Rick pored some unto Clary's glass and then into Jace's. Rick set the bottle in the ice took their order. Jace chose the stake and Clary chose a chicken salad. When Rick left, the happy couple just stood there and talked as they admired each other. Minutes after the food arrived and it was magnificent.

After dinner, the couple decided to walk home and enjoy the peaceful night. Once they got home everyone was already asleep and the institute was quiet. They quietly walked towards their now shared bedroom with their hands still locked together. Once inside, Jace shrugged off his jacket and Clary headed towards the dresser to grab some pajamas to change into. Jace walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and said, "I had such a great time with you tonight." The vibration of his words against her skin tickled her. "Me too," said with a smile. She turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. They stared into each others eyes and slowly closed in for a kiss.

It was always like this. They would get lost in each others eyes and their gazes pulled them towards each other like they were magnets. Their lips moved together in unisin. When ever Jace would kiss Clary like this her legs will grow weak from the sensation of his lips against hers. She didn't want it to end, but they had a busy day, it was late and she was tired. With every ounce of Clary's will power she pulled away from the kiss. "As much as I would love this to continue, "she explained," I need to change for bed." He groaned in protest as she slowly left his arms and headed for the bathroom with her PJs in hand.

While Jace waited for his girlfriend he too changed into something to sleep in. That something was just black pajama pants. He crawled into his side of the bed and kept an eye on the bathroom door. Clary shortly came out in gray pajama shorts and a blue tank top. Her make up was clean off. She crawled in bed next to Jace and snuggled into his bare chest. Jace had his arm wrapped around her. He listened to her steady breathing. "I can't believe we're finally here," Clary said, "After everything, we can finally be happy together." Jace smiled at the thought. He couldn't believe it either. "I know," he said,"And its just the beginning." He kissed the top of her head. "Good night Jace," Clary said before she drifted off to a peaceful sleep. "Good night Clary," Jace replied softly before he too drifted off to the best keep he had ever had. The happy couple slept in each others arms like they will for the rest of their lives. And he was right. It was just the beginning.

Hey it's me. I just wanted to say thank you to every one who voted, commented and read this. It means so much to me. I will be updating again. Their are still some big steps this couple have to take so keep a look out to find out what hose steps will lead them to. Thank you so much.

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