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"Raw, raw, raw!" A bald eagle lets out a scratchy siren-like scream.
         I sit up, startled. "Oh no," I murmur when I glance at the sky. I fell asleep. What a good spy I am. I climb out of the tiny nook I was in, and scale the brick building next to me.
Once I'm up, I get a perfect view of the city. Morning traffic to the west, and the city giving way to a forest over south. Honking and beeping fill the air, along with the smell of sewers and the ever recognizable factory pollution.
I walk the length of the building, and peer down at the rich-people's neighborhood, full of rich snobs. I hop down the side of the building and climb the fence of the gated community. Once I'm in, I creep through the backyards. Every new backyard I walk into has a big pool, or jacuzzi, or an outdoor barbecue matched with a pristine patio. I keep walking until I come across the target house.
Darcy Brown sure is rich. Her backyard could've fit an extra house. Actually two, since she already has a shed the size of a big living room. Instead of fitting an unnecessary extra house into the backyard, she fitted it with a pool, jacuzzi, barbecue, outdoor kitchen, and if all this wasn't enough, she has two big white marble statues picturing a swan forming a heart at the entrance to the pool. Talk about rich.
I look around for cameras. Two are stationed in the back, and it looks like one on the side. I take out three daggers. I creep forward until I'm in throwing range. I launch them at the cameras. Crash! Three cameras, all with a pretty new accessory.
         I jog to the side door and yank on the handle but it doesn't budge. I unsheathe my last dagger and stab the window as hard as I can, but It doesn't make a dent. I place my dagger into the door, just like you would with a crowbar. Once I pry it open, I pull up my hood and step inside, dagger in hand. I look around, amazement clouding my face. I just stepped into a kitchen in pristine condition, and... huh, no cameras in sight. Kinda weird, but all right. I pull my hood farthing down, obscuring my face. Across from the kitchen, the living room sits, where nothing is out of order. The big screen tv hanging over the white fireplace has no dust, the remotes no grease, the gray couch's and blankets no rips, and the white fur rug no stains. I pick up a fur blanket. It's so soft, I cringe at the thought of destroying this work of art, but I plunge the knife deep into it anyways. I pull, ripping it right down the middle.
         I take a deep breath and continue. As I walk farther into the house, the more expensive the things are. As I go, I smash mirrors and vases and lamps, overturn tables and chairs, and spray rooms with water.
        Soon I come across Darcy's office. The polished tall white door tells me that she won't work in any condition but perfect. And when I walk in, I see my assumption was correct. Papers tucked into folders line the shelves, while the wood floor gleams in the half light. A window behind Darcy's desk stretches from floor to ceiling, where an expensive fan sits.
I notice another camera and shoot a dagger. Crack!
I rifle through the packets of papers, but with no luck. I skim through papers in Browns desk. No luck. I begin to run my hand around the walls, hoping to find a concealed compartment or something. As I ran my hand on the walls, I felt an uneven surface under my finger pads. I press on the uneven portion of wall. It shifts. I quickly rub my eyes and stretch. When I'm done, I run to check Darcy's desk for hidden levers.
        After a while of searching, something inside the desk clicks. On the far wall near the window the uneven piece of wall pops open. "Yes!" I murmur.
        A split second later an alarm goes off, a terrible ringing noise. My tail puffs up to twice its size.
        I jog to the open compartment and grab everything in it. I don't look to see if the papers I was searching for were actually there. I just have to trust that they are.
I sprint to the side door, and shove it open. Pulling my hood as far as it could go, I dash through backyards, and when I reach the fence I scale it in three bounds.
I vaulted myself off the top of the fence with such force that I had to duck into a roll when I hit the ground to stop myself from getting injured. I spring up into a sprint, scurrying along streets and into alleyways.
        Once I was in a secluded alley, I collapsed onto the ground. I rest my head against the brick building, possibly abandoned. "Jeez..." I mumbled. My breath is coming in shaky gasps, my palms sweaty. Iv'e got to admit, almost nothing scares me anymore, not after facing murder, treason, abuse, and much, much, more. But, this time, I dunno, I guess just the timing. Memories, too.
        I stay frozen for a few minutes. The sound of blaring sirens fill the air.
        Shuffling farther into the shadows, I creep over to the nearest fire escape. I hop up, onto the brick building's roof. I start my trek across roof buildings, occasionally forced to leap over two foot gaps between buildings.
        Once I was far enough away from Darcy's neighborhood, I clambered down the side of the concrete building. On my way to Elias's office, I pass a church. Its cross glimmers silver, words inscribed on the churches walls. In a trance, I walk up to the church, tracing the words etched into the stone. Pray to God; God is almighty; and Walk along the path of our lord.
I remove my hand, half closed. For a moment I rubbed my temples, blocking out the memories. I turn and run out of the churchyard, half closing my eyes. I force my feet to guide back to Elias' office. I clasp the hilt of my dagger tightly. "Time to get this show on the road," I say, grinning.

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