Chapter 9 - Strange Boy pt2

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"Hello sir can you plz help me?" Asked the strange boy in front of the teenage boy, who looked like a squirrel boy. " in why are you here at this place? " the squirrel boy asked to the younger one. "They took me away. They had people hurt me!" Responded the boy scared , shaking but someone came behind the boy, grabbing his hair and dragged the boy harshly. The boy was in actual pain but What the man did next shook the squirrel boy.... The man grabbed a metal iron and......


Jumped out Han, scared. Han was confused on why he kept having these different flashbacks that had happened in the past, a long time ago. He was actually lost but shrugged off his thoughts away and got up. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic water bottle to drink. Once done he started to walk to the stairs but heard something, telling him, "Plz help!" Han turned around and looked everywhere to find nothing but then he heard someone crying from the bathroom. So he checked it out, in case a member got hurt or needed help. He opened the door only to see Seungmin crying and silently kept saying, " Stop! Help me! Plz! " Over and over again. " hey are you okay? " asked Han who got closer to calm Seungmin down. "Please help me!" Silently said Seungmin who hugged Han for some comfort. " Shh! Calm down! " Han kept saying to Seungmin, hugging the puppy back while rubbing his back so he can help calm him down.

After a few minutes Seungmin fell asleep in Han's embrace. Han noticed and got up picking Seungmin up in bridal style before going to the boys room to lay him down on the bed. Han covered the puppy boy with warm cozy blankets before leaving and turning off the light. He closed the door and went to his room. 

It was very strange, very strange but then again what in this world isn't strange?

Han laid down and tried to sleep but for a odd reason he couldn't sleep not could he think straight (or gay) Hours and hours passed and now you could see the sunlight pass through the window curtains. Shining through the room, hitting Han's face making him flutter his eyes open. 

Han was a bit tired but nevertheless he got up and did his routine. After that he went downstairs to smell some good thang. So he went to the kitchen to see, Lee Know cooking breakfast while Felix was setting up the table. " Morning Hyung, morning lix! " Greeted Han. "Morning Ji!" They both said before they continued to do their things. Han decided to help Felix, which resulted in them ending up quicker. So the two decided to get the other members to come in the dining room while Minho placed down the plates. 

Now everyone was at the dining table, eating while talking. Seungmin was quiet as usual but Han kept taking glances here and there. Han was aching to ask if the puppy boy was alright or not. Especially since the boy looked pretty sick! I mean, Seungmin was a bit pale, had tired eyes, he was kinda shaken and wasn't eating much at all, so Han was a bit worried.

although he knew nothing about Seungmin, except for his name and age. (which is consider as nothing)  After all, Han was also curious on what happened yesterday night, so he had tons of loads of questions but first he had to finish off a debate that was going on inside his head.

'Should I tell Lee Know or not?'

This question was annoying to Han, but also strange for no absolute reason. Jisung was getting a headache right now so he excused himself to the rest room. He looked in the mirror only to see someone else's reflection, it was the strange boy's image, touching the other side of the mirror.

Han was getting slightly more lost but for a strange reason he got closer to the mirror also placing his hand with the strange boy's one. Han didn't know why but he felt as he knew this person, as if he saw this person a billions of times but he just couldn't lay his fingers on it. 

Soon Han saw the mirror starting to crack, the lights starting to flicker on and off and the moment the light stated on. The image of a strange boy screaming and getting dragged away by those same man was displayed in front of him.

 "No! No! Let go of him! Hey stop! No!" Shouted Jisung, who punched the mirror , tears flowing out, guilt coming over him. The moment he stopped, he looked at the broken mirror he had broken then he looked at his knuckles that had blood splatters on it and soon he grabbed his hair in frustration before stumbling backwards to the closed door and slid down before having a silent breakdown.

When you think of it everything is strange, very strange! Sometimes reality is confusing but a dream can also be confusing as well...

Han felt as if this was his past haunting him down to get him to do something or maybe it was normal for a person's past to do that or was it?

But deep down, something or someone strange kept telling/warning Han that, that was not the reason why. 

Han could feel the strange feeling of a presence trying to warn him of something he couldn't put his hands on it but still he needed to find out what it was.

Han was still crying but it wasn't as bad as it started. So Han got up and had to start cleaning before someone came inside the restroom but it was to late for that cause Minho opened the door to see the squirrel boy with dried tears, and blood on his knuckles. 

 "Oh Han!" Was what Minho could say before hugging Han tightly. Who just began to cry his heart out cause he really felt guilty for no reason at all which was pretty strange.

After a few moments, Han calmed down with the help of of Minho's not so helpful comfort. The two decided to talk at Minho's room after they were finish with cleaning the broken shards of the mirror. 

Once done, they went to Minho's room for there talk in private.....

Seungmin saw the two go into a room, Han had a bleeding knuckle and Minho looked a bit stressed out and tired. Seungmin was curious to know what had happened. Many thoughts came to his head, 

'what if they had a physical fight?' ' what if something wrong happened?'

Seungmin was eager to find out but decided not to interfere in the two's situation So he decided to walk away to downstairs to see Felix but immediately ran to a bathroom to puke.

When done, Seungmin looked himself in the mirror to see nothing but a broken disaster piece. He hated it, he hated how fragile he looked, at how vulnerable he looked like, at how utterly disgusting his face was. He hated everything he saw...

His years came back falling, his urge to puke again was coming back, his memories flooded in like a traffic jam making him remember on the reason, the main reason as to why or how this all begun. How he almost died, suffers and strangely met two strangers who saved his life.......

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