Chapter 2

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Right now, Hinata was seen tying his shoes as He starts jogging. It was early morning and the sun was barely coming out as he was see jogging alone. Hinata and the freshmen from his team were seen asking the female volleyball club for help. The girls train Hinata.

Hinata was once again running, the season started to change as it was now fall. The season then changes to winter and Hinata was still training alone. He continued his daily jogs and practices throughout his third year of school...and his mind always wanders towards that certain individual he met during his lost against Kitagawa Daiichi...the bot who looked to be similar to height as his own...and the way he smiled...for some reason made him he can follow him throughout the ends of th e earth.

A newspaper clipping reveals that Kitagawa Daiichi has been defeated at the Prefectural Tournament.

Hinata was then seen studying for graduation with his friends help.

Finally it was graduation day, Hinata was holding his diploma, his friends waving goodbye some crying while try to hold in their tears, Cherry blossoms swerve around Hinata, the view was turned and Hinata was seen riding a bicycle.

"30 minute bike ride over the mountain." Hinata stops the bicycle in front of a school. "Starting today, Miyagi Prefectural Karasuno High School"

Students were everywhere recruiting for their clubs. Hinata expertly avoids the students and runs pass Kyoko, Daichi, Suga and Tanaka.

"Here, the club applicants list," Kyoko hands the list to Daichi.

"Thank you." He looks at the list, "So few… we used to have a lot more."

"It'll grow, Daichi." Reassures Suga.

"Kiyoko-san, looking pretty today as usual," Tanaka compliments Kiyoko as  She was seen walking away.

"She turns me on when she ignores me"

Hinata opens a door, scaring a crow and rushes to the gym. "I'm here. I'm here at Karasuno" Hinata was excited, a ball bounces inside the gym. "I'm going to train a lot." Someone spins the ball on his hands. "And then, against that 'king'…" Hinata gets closer to the door. The person tosses the ball in the air. Hinata jumps the stairs.

"I'll get my revenge!"

Hinata jumps inside the gym, and Kageyama was getting ready to serve.

This got Hinata to be shocked at this revelation. "Wh- Why are you here?!" Hinata disturbs Kageyama's concentration.

They look at each other astounded as the forgotten ball lands on Kageyama's head.

Meanwhile we see the same boy that Hinata met was inside a classroom, reading a book while he felt a shiver that went down his spine...and he couldn't help but chuckle which got the attention of his teacher.

"Is something funny, Kai-kun?"

The now named Kai stopped his laughter as he looked toward his teacher as he smiled, "It's nothing just found something funny in the book I'm reading"

That's all Kai said as he continued his reading...while having a longing look on his face.

'I wonder how their doing...without me'

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