The First Meeting

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It's been a couple of days since I got Henry's number. It was going well, we were texting regularly about whatever crossed our minds. It was nice to finally have someone other than my mom to talk to during the summer. I was already used to staying home and talking to no one. But it was a good change.

After texting for what felt like hours, I got out of bed to start the 11 am. Inside the kitchen, an omelet waited for me the delicious smell made me even hungrier than I already was. Taking a bite of it was like heaven, my mom made the best omelets. 

"You like it? my mom asked." 

"Yes. I answered briefly stuffing my face with the eggs."

"So today I'm working till 6 so make sure to eat real food and go outside, it's a very nice day. You got that?"

"Yeah yeah, I got it, I can go to the convenience store. Mom looks at me funny."

" I swear all the junk food is gonna bite you in the butt when you're older. Anyway, see you later hun, love you."

" Bye Mom." She takes her keys and leaves. Just like that, I'm alone again, man she needs to take a break sometimes. She's always worrying about me but never about herself. I sigh and continue to eat this delicious breakfast. I check my phone again it's 11:30 and I have another text from Henry. It reads 

"Hey, Ethan wanna hang out I've got something to give you." Something to give me? What could Henry need to give me? Should I say yes? Who am I kidding a full day with him to look at, sign me up!

"Ya, we can hang out when do you wanna meet? "I put down my phone, then immediately heard a ding. Did he already answer!? I proceed to open up my phone.

"Really!? I thought you might say no since we just met but yay. If it's ok with you we could do it in 30 minutes I'm already ready and I'm sure you are too considering it's 11 already. we can meet up at the convenience store!"

 He wrote all of that in a second! And who the hell wakes up earlier than 11 in the summer? No way I can get ready in 30 minutes.

"Sure, sounds good see you in 30."

Fuck, I need to hurry.

Grabbing my hairbrush, toothbrush, and clothes at the same time I rush out of the house to catch the bus. While running to the bus I was wondering. What does he need to give me, what could it be? A kiss? No what am I thinking? A hug? Hehe that's more plausible. I get to the convenience store it's 12:08. No one was waiting outside. Did I come too late did he think I stood him up? no, maybe he's inside because it was very hot out yeah maybe that's it. I enter but the only person I see is the tired employee. Did he really leave? I start walking to the exit when I hear the employee. "Dude, is your name Ethan?" I answer with a nod.

"Well, some guy named Henry told me to tell you, to go find him at the park, you know the one at the end of the street" I look at him confused.

"He did?" The employee nodded.

I say thanks then head for the park, running not sure why but I really wanted to make sure he was there. I get to the park and there I see him in all his beauty. he is sitting at a table, his eyes where closed and he looks like he is asleep. A ray of sunlight made him look like an angel. I start walking toward him and he looks up, once he realizes it's me he smiles. He has such a beautiful smile. "Hey Ethan you finally made it". His eyes were bright and he smiled widely. "ya sorry I took so long". 

"It's okay, now that you're here I can give you this" He pulls out a white box. 

"What's inside?" I question. 

"Open it and you'll see"I lift the top not knowing what to expect.

"muffins?" I looked up at him confused.

"It's apology muffins to say sorry for bumping into you." I smile.

"Didn't you already say sorry" 

"Well, my aunt always said that actions speak louder than words, and what better thing than baking you muffins" I look at him in shock.

"Wait you made these, they look so perfect I thought you bought them!?"

"Well truth is I love baking and wanted an excuse to bake something for you, I hope you like it it's banana bread muffins." I look at him with even more surprise.

"That's my favorite flavor."

"wait really!? I just sorta guessed, you seemed like a person to like them I can't believe I got it right." He hugs me over the table.

"I'm glad you like them." I can't believe I was right about him hugging me.

This is the best day ever.

We eat a few muffins together chat some more and start walking back to our houses.

"Thanks a lot, Henry I really like the muffins, I can't believe you like baking."

"I'm very glad, baking is one of the few things that bring me peace. well, this is my place see you soon."

"bye, see you." He looks so tough on the outside I can't believe he's this cutesy. There is so much to this guy. I really wanna know more about him. 

I get home it's around four, so my mom isn't home yet I place the muffins in the fridge not before taking another one with me up to my room. I put on my pjs and play video games for the rest of the night. This guy really does make amazing muffins.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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