Chapter 6

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The voices of the students in the cafeteria make it impossible to hear the little music in the background. The long line for food seems to grow longer and longer, and the food waiting at the end is not even worth it.

I mentally count how much I can afford to spend if I walk to the burger joint up ahead.

It's been quite some time since I've had something to eat outside the cafeteria or canned food at home.

I leave the cafeteria, slyly ignoring Jora's call on the other side of the cafeteria, hoping I'll eat with them.

I walk through the halls as quickly as possible, avoiding thinking too much about the impulsive decision to buy food and thinking that in the future I might buy something I might need more than that.

The school entrance is only a few steps away.

My cell phone rings, startling me like an alarm and telling me that my decision is not the right one.

I pick up the cell phone, angry with the small device, but I stand still, seeing the name on the screen.

"Running away from class in front of me?" The voice of Alex sounds close but distant. I turn all around and see a hand waving at me.

His car is parked in front of the school, right next to the hamburger joint.

I hang up the phone and walk over to his window.

"What are you doing here? It's Wednesday." I say, and he frowns.

"Is there some rule I don't know about that dictates we can only see each other on Fridays?" he asks, and now I'm the one frowning.

"Are we going out today?" I ask, and now there's a look of disbelief that fills his dark eyes.

"Char, you really only see me as a person for weekends and parties, don't you?" he says, and I startle at his words. "I'm going to try not to be offended by it. Come on up, I have something for you."

Alex looks away, his jaw has tightened, and a slight guilt begins to form in my chest.

Do I really only see him as such?

I get in the car, and Alex rolls up his window, letting the air circulate freely.

"Here," he says, showing me his fist. I frown while watching him, and he nods, so I put my palm underneath, feeling a small, icy metal object fall.

I stand still.

"It's my house key—well, a copy. It's not for you to enter at any time, but if in any case you need a place to flee to, you know my doors will always be open for you."

He seems to have stopped breathing. My mouth opens in astonishment, and my eyes meet his as he looks at me expectantly and nervously. My smile makes him smile.

"You didn't have to." I say, completely taken aback at the gesture.

"I'm afraid my neighbors will think I have a missing daughter coming to find me," he says, and my laughter echoes through the car.

Alex bites his lip, stopping the laughter he wants to let out.

"I don't look that small, although you definitely look that old." His smile disappears, and his mouth drops open, offended.

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