Chapter 11

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"You have to learn to get up from the table when love is no longer being served."

Nina Simone


Luke brings me inside, sitting me on the couch. He runs a hot bath and carries me in with him. A soapy towel glides over my body as he's cradled behind me. I exhale, deeply relaxed. The silence draws my curiosity, and I turn to him. Luke smiles, but it's not natural. He's hiding something.
"What's wrong?"

His eyebrows turn down. As he frowns, his bleak expression gives me concern. Surprisingly, it doesn't get me anxious.

"I have to show you something but not yet. Let's enjoy this a bit longer."

I'm unsure whether or not to push, but then he flashes me a real smile and kisses me into silence. We sit in each other's arms until the water is cold. Luke places me on the bed and heads to the kitchen. He tells me my insatiable appetite has made him hungry. I can't help but laugh. When I'm dressed, I wonder out to the kitchen and glance at the clock. It's nearly three am, and I'm not even tired. Luke seems to be in deep concentration as he fills crepes with whipped cream cheese and chopped strawberries.

"Wow, those look amazing!"

He brings one over, placing it in my mouth. I laugh, biting down. The flavor elicits an appreciative moan. I mumble with my mouth full, "Where did you learn to cook?" Luke smiles seductively, bending down to lick whipped topping from my lip. The action reminds me of the carnal places its been in the past twenty-four hours.

"I've always had a passion for food, amongst other things."
His eyes travel my body, and it feels like a caress. I shiver. "What is it you had to show me?" I ask mainly to distract myself from impure thoughts. His demeanor changes instantly. Whatever it is, it's not good. I wait for my anxiety to make an appearance, but it doesn't. I'm flabbergasted. We're sitting across from one another when he reaches in his pocket and places a small tape player on the counter. He doesn't move his hand off of it

"Your dad sent those men to kill me,"

I frown, but I'm not surprised. I never really knew my dad or how badly he wanted to be president.

"That's not all... he wanted you out of the picture, too."

My stomach drops. Why is he that displeased with me? Is he worried I'll expose him? Both? My head is spinning.

"Is that what's on the tape?"

Luke gives me a nod of confirmation. I swallow, looking at the tape cautiously, like it's going to launch at me and chomp my head off.

"You don't have to listen if you don't want to. "

"No!" I blurt out louder than I mean to.
"I want to. I need to hear it."

Luke removes his hand. I take the recorder and a deep breath, closing my eyes. And push the play button down. I ignore the screams and pleas of the man, focusing on his admission. I listen three times. Even though I believe it, I can't accept it. "What am I going to do? Will he try again?" Even as the words leave my mouth, I can't fully comprehend their meaning. Luke looks uncomfortable with my question. I can see him bite the inside of his cheek.

"It's likely if I judge him by his past. He's ruthless and follows through. He won't give up Avery. You can run and never live a full life, always looking over your shoulder. Change your name and appearance, and he can probably still get to you, eventually. Or we can beat him at his own game. I take him out first. Weston won't know his men failed until tomorrow is my guess."

I wince, none of those options are even remotely plausible, then I realize what he's suggested "Your talking about killing my father!"
Luke smiles sadly,

"That may be so Avery, but your father has already made an attempt on your life. Whatever you choose, it has to be timely. It won't be long before he sends out more hired men. I'd prefer keeping my kill count to a handful,"

I wince again. It's not just me I have to think about. "What if I go public, with proof? Then he won't have a reason to off me. The damage will be done."

Luke looks at me like I've grown a second head. "That's risky. You don't think he's got watchdogs all over New York? And what about revenge? Even from prison, it just takes a phone call. There's a lot of time between charges and being indicted."

I'm almost out of ideas until I remember Mortalcine. "Not if we send him to Mortalcine. It took a lot to get you out, and that was with my father's connections. No one with that kind of clout would lift a finger for him. With him out of the picture, the only people who could do anything won't, because they want his spot." I can almost see Luke's wheels turning.

"How can we guarantee he'll go there?" He asks skeptically.
I smile, "Easily. I just need to find evidence of my dad double crossing my uncle. I won't even have to suggest it. I'm sure there's some. There's got to be a reason they loath each other."

Luke doesn't seem so convinced, and I know I can't do it on my own.

"If I can get into his files in his office or on his computer. Oh! There's a lockbox he visits once a year. Can you drive me to my house?"

Luke shakes his head, "No, I have people for that. You get packed. We're not safe here anymore."

"Oh, ok. Where will we go?

Luke gets up, taking the dishes to the sink in deep concentration.

"I don't know, but I'll figure it out in about an hour. I just have to make a few phone calls."

My feelings for him are mushrooming. He didn't have to help me. If I were in his shoes, I don't think I would be so understanding. I have to tell him how I feel. Maybe dance around the subject, but for now I'll show him what I can't say,


He turns around, and I kiss him. It's not long or possessive like his, rather short, sweet, and meaningful. I look into his eyes and put all the meaning I can into my words.

"thank you!"

Luke smiles under my lips, gripping me tight. He deepens the kiss in a way that makes my toes curl and tells me it's nothing. He will always protect what's his. This isn't exactly a declaration of love, but it's real and hits me the same way. Luke sends me off to go get packed. I do so with vigor. I need this to work, not just to save my dad, but to save me. I won't be like him! Never!

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