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A loud knock made you get up abruptly in bed. What's happening? What time is it now? You were too sleepy to understand anything. You got out of bed and trudged to the door. You practically jumped in surprise when you opened the door and saw Taehyung in front of you. Oh right, Taehyung, that's what that knock was. You leaned against the door trying to wake up.

"Something happened?" You asked

"Yes, it's already morning. Let's have breakfast." He smiled broadly at you.

You stared at him, wondering if he was joking or serious. You looked at the clock on the wall and practically groaned. "It's 8 am!!!" you loudly slammed the door back to bed.

Taehyung opened the door to go inside. "We have a lot to do today, get up," he said, throwing a small pillow at you.

"Leave me alone, I want to sleep!" you muttered trying to hide under the covers.

"You do understand that I will not leave you alone. Get up!" He said, ripping the blanket off you.

"You are not the boss of the mafia, you are the devil !!!" you hit the mattress with your hands and feet, not wanting to get out of bed.

Taehyung laughed out loud as he watched you. "You have 5 minutes otherwise I'll be back," he said, heading for the door along with your blanket. "As much as I like it, get dressed for breakfast." he said winking at you before leaving your room.

You sighed sharply, remembering that you were in a T-shirt and panties. You covered your face with a pillow, yelling into it. You pulled on your pants and already headed for the door. Although you should put on a bra, you thought, taking off your shirt and heading for the closet.

"5 minutes passed." Taehyung opened the door to your room, making you freeze in place. Just as quickly as he opened it, he closed the door as quickly as he apologized. It's good that you weren't facing the door, you thought, sighing. He should definitely learn to knock on the door. You shook your head as you dressed quickly. "I didn't see anything," Taehyung said as soon as you left the room.

"There's nothing to see," you muttered under your breath

"Don't tell that..." Taehyung smiled.

"You haven't seen anything, have you?" you looked at him skeptically.

"Oh, exactly. I didn't see anything," he repeated, trying to hold back a smile.

"Why did I wake up so early?" You asked sitting down at the table.

"We have a lot to do," he smiled broadly, placing a plate of waffles and fruit in front of you.

"I didn't know there was something like that in my house," you said in surprise.

"I went to the store"

"When did you wake up?" you stare at him.

"I was too agitated to sleep," he replied, sitting down at the table.

"What plans are you talking about?" you asked, putting strawberries in your mouth.

"Shopping and Party," he smiled broadly.

You raised an eyebrow at him. "I don't need anything. And besides, I don't think the detective will fit into the mafia parties. "

"Trust you will love this party." He looked at his watch and laughed softly. "Better go at noon, though."

"That is, we'll only go somewhere in the afternoon, but you woke me up at 8 am." You shook your head. "I will definitely kill you," you said, jumping up from your chair. "Come here!" you said as he continued to run away from you around the table.

"Sorry, today is a bad day to die." He stuck out his tongue at you.

"Time out" you said as you fell to the floor. You should need to go back to training. You were completely exhausted continuing to run in circles for Taehyung. You even lost track of how much time passed.

"Can I get you some water?" Taehyung asked mockingly, stepping closer

"Get yourself some water!" You snorted, kicking him in the thigh.

"You know that you are insanely cute at times like these." He said with a smile

"Get lost" you waved your hand at him, as if it were a bug bothering you.

He lifted you off the floor, sitting on your chair. "Eat, it seems you need strength," he laughed.

"So you know, I didn't hit you hard on purpose," you narrowed your eyes as you looked at him.

He shook his head, adding berries to your plate. "Okay, okay... whatever you say," he smiled at you

Don't smile, you told to Taehyung in your mind. And you stop trembling, you told your heart.

"Don't even think about wearing something sexy," he practically growled and you looked at him in surprise. "Although it doesn't matter what you wear, you'll still be sexy," he muttered under his breath.

"Or I just might not wear anything at all and stay at home," you smiled broadly

"There is no such option," he replied. "If you refuse and I will shove you into the car in these cute pajamas." He pointed at you with a fork. You rolled your eyes before turning your attention to the waffles.

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