When You Hold Me

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When You Hold Me

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When You Hold Me

When Aax first followed his friend into the crowd of people, he didn't think much of it

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When Aax first followed his friend into the crowd of people, he didn't think much of it. To him, it was a gathering of people there to do some not-so-legal things; which included him and his friend. For days, Theo continued to rave on and on about the fast cars and how he wanted to join those racers one day.

But Theo was just a stupid kid, much like Aax.

Now, he's twenty-something— he lost track after a while— and he still attends those stupid races...even after Theo passed.

The white-haired hybrid often lurked in the back of the crowds, away from the bright flood lights that cascaded over the places of choice. They cheered for different people every night; whether it be Lupus, Nexai or— his two personal favourites— Lost One and Starry Racer. He had noticed a pattern when it came to those two individuals.

They went from being rivals and teasing one another relentlessly— Aax was guilty of lurking in the shadows. He always wanted to talk to one of them but always chickened out— to befriending one another and Aax was pretty sure he saw them making out behind one of the stands after the races. Either way, they were the only two people the olm had ever wanted to talk to and yet, he still couldn't open his mouth— let alone approach them.

They sighed, their arms wrapping around themself and their tail dropping behind them in defeat as they watched the two racers approach their friends. He bit his lip as he contemplated if he should even attempt to approach them. Why was it so hard for them to make friends?

Why did Theo have to leave him alone?

Aax shook their head, their tendril-like ears following their movement. They sighed again as they slowly slinked their body down the stands— following behind the last of the stragglers. The air was still quiet, Aax finding it odd that he could still walk away from a race and not run from the police.

His tail swung behind him as he jumped the final step of the stands, his mind elsewhere. He could finally hear the very distant sirens as they slowly made their way towards the now-empty area. They didn't understand why the police had such a bad response time when it came to the races Oceana and Chaos held– maybe they were too used to it or maybe they just stopped caring. It's not like they were doing much destruction anyway.

When You Hold Me // Ghaae Drag Race AUWhere stories live. Discover now