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Yesterday you were here.
Today you're here, right here.

Tomorrow too, darling, you'll be here
right on my mind (mind you).

Every day, you are the plot to my mystery.
Then and again, the assassin to my monotony.

Yesterday, I caught you messing with the way my heart beats.
Today, I wanna tell you (wanna),
no, I'm gonna. "Thank you, dear"
Tomorrow, too, darling, I'll let you mess.

Every day, you are the sense to my insanity.
Then and again, an odd match like gravity.

Yesterday we were at "hey, sup,?"
Today, I guess its hii with the double 'i's
Tomorrow, too darling, I'll add an 'i'.

Every day, you are the sigh to my silence.
Then and again, the serenity among sirens.

Yesterday, we used to wave and smile.
Today, let's see, ummm,  we laugh freestyle.
Tomorrow, too, darling, we'll share the twinkle in our eyes old style.

Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow,
I'm in for both Rainbow
and snow.


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