New case! Call Taurus!

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It was a new dawn
An epoch to new beginnings
An assurance to a new history

It was when the hunter stood by the balcony of his villa that was left aloof. His kingdom. Totally his kingdom! Be that as it may, taking care of the kingdom was not so easy. He passed a careful look from left to right. The gardener watering the plants... as perfect as a mother nurturing her child... good. The sweeper collecting dirt... as clean as a newly brought glass... good. The wiper cleaning the glasses... where is he? Waiting for the sweeper to finish his job so that he can wipe freely... not cool. "Call him" he ordered his personal assistant.

"Ryan" the assistant called. Ryan looked up, his eyes trembling seeing the hunter, his voice jumping "uh uh??" he shivered.

"No use talking to him. Just tell him to fetch himself somewhere. This place is not the good one for him hereafter" saying this, he left.

Straight to the balcony was a palatial table, squeaky clean. Even the dusts didn't want to face this hunter. "Taurus Suthernan" it read in a beautiful calligraphic font, embedded with gold. True gold. Every time he comes across this table, his hand runs over his name with pride, his fingers feeling the edges of the letters.


Victor recalled all his past memories with his wife Amanda.

Lisa, the nurse have been injecting intravenously once in a while, and when she found that his hands swelled due to extensive clogging, "it's swelled up. Oh dear", she said.

"Yeah Lisa. It's paining"

"Considering this, shall I switch this over to another hand?"

Victor froze for a while, looking at her perfect, round face with adorkable demeanour.

"That's yeet!" he exclaimed as if she had said something interesting

Lisa smiled. 'He must have something in mind for this'. Then she injected in another hand along with an additional injection for anti-clot.

With each and every shot of pain, Victor had his memories coming and going. The pain he felt during the scenarios were different though. It was both physical and emotional. Memories washed over like a tide with a medley of emotions passing here and there.

Time had turned Amanda topsy turvy.

Real turned fake
Alone turned aloof
Romantic turned aromantic

He turned to the left to make himself comfortable, tears flowing constantly, hands gripping amidst the pain it bore. The worst of all is wanting to do something when you couldn't.


The crows cawed in agony.

The greens weren't happy for a long time... it was all dull and dead.

Mr. Hoggs walked deep down the woods, his footprints making impression every time he moved. The place was not exactly the one he assumed. It was quite hard for him to figure out what would've exactly happened. Right behind him were a few people marching, noticing each and every nuke and corner. Even an ant wouldn't have escaped their view, that was how professional they were. The place was all alienated. The through fare was scary...

'Thud... thud...thud' they could hear each and every step of theirs.

"Where are the police!" Mr. Hoggs asked.

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