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Author's P.O.V

It was a lazy Saturday morning. Everyone from the volleyball team still seemed to be asleep from yesterday's game, all except the all energetic Hinata of course. Their win from yesterday had kept Hinata up, he was just so happy, he couldn't stay still. All he wanted to do was practice, practice, practice. He rushed to Kageyama's house early, hoping he was willing to practice with him.

Kageyama's P.O.V

I flutter my eyes open and get stared down with my white ceiling. Sighing softly I look over to the clock. 6am, is it too early? Naw, get up you lazy ass. I yawn loudly and remove the covers from my legs. I should probably take a shower.

I scratch my head and drag my heavy body to the bathroom. I look down to realize I don't have a shirt on.

Oh well.

I take off my pants and boxers, and hop in the tub. Turning the nob slowly, I enjoy the feeling of the cold water running against my back. I sigh in relief.

Suddenly there's a loud knock. I jump in surprise and stay still for a moment, waiting to see if it was just my imagination or an actual knock. Again, there's a knock. Who the hell is that this early in the morning!?

I step out in frustration, placing a towel around my waist, walking out of the bathroom, down the hall, then open the door.

"What!?" I yell slightly. I look down and find an orange puff ball bouncing excitedly in front of me.

Oh... it's Hinata.

"Ohayoooo Kageyama-saaan!!" Hinata yells exitedly while throwing his arms in the air.

"Want to practice?" He asks eagerly, throwing a volleyball ball at me.

I catch the ball and stare at him in slight annoyance. His smile fades. I look off into the morning sky. It's still dark, the sun is barely rising.

I look back at him and sigh. "You might as well come in." He smile reappears on his face again, and skips in happily.

"I'm going to finish taking my shower, so stay put!" I say while handing him back his ball.

He sits on the couch and looks up at me in awe. It seems he's barely noticing I'm soaking wet. I notice a tint of reds and pinks suddenly blush across his face. What the hell is he thinking!?

"O-okay!" He says, looking down and drying my hand print of water off his ball with his shirt.

I roll my eyes and step back in the shower. What the hell was he blushing for?


Hinata's P.O.V

When Kageyama finally comes out of the bathroom, I gave him a small, friendly smile. He looks to me and blushes slightly. Geez... I should try to make this situation less awkward.

"He-Hey! Kageyama!" I begin to stutter out.

"Yo-You plus me equals twenty-one! Hehe, get it? You know... like the vine... nine plus ten, and our numbers are nine and ten!" I look down, suddenly flushed in embarrassment, twiddling my thumbs.

Argh... I think I blew it...

Kageyama's silence soon bubbles into laughter. He shakes his head.

"You're such a nerd," he says quietly.  "Come on, get up. Let's just start practicing."

I get off the couch and begin following him out to his backyard, where we can practice.

After setting everything up, we begin to practice our serves, then he helps me with my spikes.

We have our little arguments here and there on how to serve correctly, and watching out for each other if we're doing it wrong or not, but it's all mostly constructive criticism.  

After a couple of hours, we spend our last couple minutes with each other just tossing the ball.

My arms fall in exhaustion, this causing me to miss the serve from Kageyama. The ball manages to bounce off my head with a thud, I groan in annoyance. Kageyama laughs loudly, but not before rushing over and checking if I'm okay.

I rub it off with an embarrassed smile, Kageyama smiling sympathetically back.

I look to Kageyama, admiring his beauty. I've always found him so cool. Its nice to have someone like him around.

I open my mouth to say something but quickly shut it considering the consequences.

Kageyama catches a glimps of me about to speak, and begins to poke at me in curiosity.

"What?" He questions.

"Nothing!" I say quickly while retrieving the volleyball from the ground.

"Noo! You were going to say something, just say it!" Kageyama begins to tease.

"No you'll think its weird!"

"I won't!"

"You dont know that!" I argue.

"Say it!"


"Say it!"


"Say it!"

"Fine!! You look cute! There, are you happy!?" I quickly turn away from Kageyama, not wanting to see his reaction.


A wave of heat passes through my body as I regret my words.

"Hinata," Kageyama says in a soft voice.

I turn towards him slowly. "What?"

He places a hand on my shoulder and presses his lips against mine. I stare with wide eyes in pure shock, my face burning up, my heart pounding in my chest so much it hurts.

I drop the volleyball as all the strength in my body leaves me.

Kageyama pulls away and smiles at me.

"Sorry, it just felt right," he says quietly.

I continue staring with my mouth agape, scanning his face to see if he was joking, but I find no signs of it.

My swirling feelings begin to overwhelm my cognitive thinking. With no rational filter to my mind, I grab ahold of Kageyama's face and return the kiss, this time deepening it. As I pull away a string of saliva still keeps us together.

We both stare at each other, standing in a puddle of emotions.

"Yeah, that did feel right," I say.

Out of the shower (KageHina Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now