Chapter 11

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*Rosalie's prospective*
I wake up with my head laying on Edwards chest,he's asleep and I smile,"Looks charming when he's asleep" I thought to myself,I kiss him on the neck a little and he wakes up slowly,He feels my hands and smiles a little,"Good Morning my little bat," he said,I blush at the name,"what's the time",he asks,I look at the clock above the fireplace and it read 6:00,it was 6:00am,Edward sat up a little and stretched and he got up and puts his garments in,I lay in his bed and I cover up my breasts with the blanket,He smiles at me and I smile back,"Darling I can't wear the same dress"I Said,he nods and he looked like he hand an idea,he went to his Chifforobe and got out an outfit,"Try this,I will give you privacy",he said and he handled the outfit to me and he leaves room, I get up and I had a thought, instead of wearing an absurd corset under the outfit,I could simply wear a binder,I put on a binder and I tighten it not to tight,I put on my lower garment,I put the outfit on,
*5 minutes later*
I finished putting on the outfit Edward gave me,I looked at my appearance in his mirror,

*Rosalie's prospective*I wake up with my head laying on Edwards chest,he's asleep and I smile,"Looks charming when he's asleep" I thought to myself,I kiss him on the neck a little and he wakes up slowly,He feels my hands and smiles a little,"Good ...

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The trousers felt fantastic, it was amazing that I was wearing men's clothing, it felt welcoming and warming, there was a knock on Edward's bedroom door, I gave permission to the person who's on the other side of the door to enter the room, it was Edward he felt my shoulders while I was looking at the mirror,"it looks fantastic my darling"he said and then he kissed me slightly, I smile and blush. I look at the time again and I realize that I should be going because work,"I have to go now because of business"I said, he felt my hand and smiled,"will I see you again my sweet"he asked and then he kissed my hand,"of course I will see you again"I said, before I left the estate Edward pulled me into his arms and kissed me romantically,"he's full of passion, so romantic"I pulled back and smile and I noticed he's smiling as well, we walk out of the EstateState he hugs me and says"Be careful out there my dear",I smiled and nodded and walked off,
*15 minutes later*
I arrive at Mr.Utterson's office,I open the door of the building,I head up the stairs to his office,I'm in a hurry,"Will Mr utterson be upset with me if I'm late"I was asking myself, I never have been late to work, I opened the door to his office and he stands up with a look was concerned,"Rosalie my dear where have you been you never been late before" he said, I didn't know what to say and I felt nervous if I told him,Mr Utterson has never been mad at me ever, he's like a father figure to me, I trust him and he trusts me, I look up to him, he feels my hand with a concerning look on his face,"sir I was with a person last night, a gentleman" I said in a low tone of voice,"who was this gentleman"he asked, I didn't know how to respond but I knew I had to say something," I was with a man called Edward Hyde",he had shock appear on his face,"My dear you best stay away from him, he's the devil, he can do anything to a woman like you,Rape or Murder or Both", I thought it was absurd of what he was saying, how could Edward ever hurt a woman, I'm the only woman that he's ever loved, it's absurd that he's making up a tale of the man that I love and naming him a killer, I look at Mr Utterson," young lady you're lucky that you weren't any of his victims, tell me what did he do to you last night", I told him about the night before about how we even to the park and took a night stroll and talked and I told them about the two men that came up to us and how they criticized him and Edward scared them off, I didn't mention about Edward hitting them with the cane that he carried,Mr Utterson was frigthened,he acted like I was a witch or a demon,"Rosalie go home do you hear me,go home" he said,he made me feel nervous,I ran out of there faster then I ever felt, my mind was racing and I started questioning about what inspired, I panicked and the biggest question entered my mind "was Mr Utterson going to tell mother about my relationship with him", if he did tell mother about my relationship with Edward and my life would be over and my mother would be so overprotective she wouldn't let me be outside of the house ever again on my own, she would probably Force Thomas to escort me from work and home and he would probably escort me to other places I would need to go, I would have to say goodbye to my freedom,

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