Chapter 1 - Sorry, did I say too much

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That night, Endo was abruptly awoken by a movement in his bed. He opened his eyes to see a woman with fiery red hair and lips that resembled blood. The scent of blood hung in the air, and her eyes were a deep, vibrant red. She gently stroked his hair, but he remained motionless. 

"I can sense your fear. Don't worry Hoshmiya, I don't mean to hurt you. I just need to know if you know anything about my secret," Miyo murmured in Endo's ear as he dozed off. 

"I know.. A few, and I'm sure there are more," he yawned in his reply. 

Stopping for a moment before replying. She jumped down from the bed and pulled him down too. 

"Yes, there is. Tell one of the ones you know about," she replied looking deep into his eyes as she spoke. 

"I don't know if I want to say this, but you're a ruthless vampire," he said stopping at the word vampire before going back to pick up a rock and throw it at her. "Just to make sure.. Your the one," Endo assured her.

"Yes, and this ruthless vampire can do stuff..." she started only to be interrupted by him. She stopped and looked at him.

"How do you know my name?" Endo said looking curiously at her.

Miyo stepped back. Endo could see the disappointment in her eyes clear. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it as she turned away. 

"I thought you would be different," she said, her voice barely a whisper She slowly made her way to the door. She tried carefully to avoid Endo's gaze, who she could feel was staring hard at her. Just before she left, she turned and looked at him one last time. 

"Goodbye," she said then stopped. There was silence but she didn't leave. She turned once again and continued to speak. "Yes, I know your name is Endo Hoshimiya. My name is Miyo Hikari," she said, her voice breaking a little. "And I don't want to be seen as a ruthless vampire." Miyo walked up to the window to jump out but was stopped when Endo called once more.

"Fine, since you put it like that, I will call you Miyo," he said, turning on the light so they could see each other face's. "I guess I could help you. But how did you know my name?" Endo said as she jumped out of the window. Endo sighed and closed the window. He took a deep breath.


The next morning, Endo was tired from all the talking to Miyo and couldn't even get out of bed. By the time he got to school, he saw Miyo standing at his locker waving for him to come. He walked up and stopped to see if any of the boys were looking at them before starting to walk up to her again. 

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Endo said opening his locker and closing it just as Miyo came up in his face and shouted at the school to stop and look at her. 

Miyo was cute, and since arriving the whole school had noticed her, little did they know the girl they liked was soon to be Endo's roommate. 

He didn't like her very much, she was too mysterious, but he did like annoying people with something they liked. So he continued to smile and talk - it was so satisfying when they got annoyed.

It was five p.m. by the time school was done. Miyo was completely sleepy. Endo, thinking it was better, made his way with him to the vampire house. He wasn't scared to go there, there were rules, Vampires could live freely as long as they were registered and regularly check. None of them would try to hurt a human openly entering their house. 

When they got there Miyo refused to go in. he didn't blame her, to him it stunk like death even though they weren't permitted to kill. But she just didn't want to go in because she didn't like it and she wanted to go to his house.

"No, go to your own house. I've got a mom," Endo said walking into the vampire house while holding her hand. We walked up to the room that said Miyo on it and went inside but in a flash, she grabbed him, pulling him back out of the vampire house and through the streets until he was in his house.

His body had never felt so light and it felt almost as if he were flying.

"You don't have a mum. You lied, didn't you?" Miyo shouted once they were back in his house. He could see the anger in her eyes.

"No, I don't, and so what if I lied," Endo admitted. "My mom was killed by one of your kind." He continued. He was angry now that he had to admit that his mum was dead.

"Sorry, I didn't know or I wouldn't have said anything about you, mo," Miyo started then she stopped at the word mom. Miyo knew if she had said anything more, he'd be even more angry than he was now. 

"Maybe I should stay here with you," she said, thinking it was a good opportunity to become closer to him.

"Go and live with the other vampires," he moaned.

"I can't. I don't want to be like that anymore," Miyo said. "Remember, you said you would help me."

Endo glared at her for a moment with his eyes filled with tears, maybe mentioning his mom had changed his mind, she wondered and left the room to give him some time to think.

When Miyo came back bringing some food with her he was still crying on the bed. She put the food down and went to see if he was still angry about what she said to him about his mum.

"Hey you are okay, I am sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to make you angry. I just found out you lied," Miyo explained. 

He looked up at her and gave a weak smile.

"Thanks," Endo said still sad but softly. "Thanks for the food too, but wait you're a vampire you can't eat food." Endo said, but she just smiled and left him to eat.

When Miyo returned he was finished eating and no longer crying but his eyes were still wet with tears.

"Is everything okay?" Miyo asked softly. 

He turned to her and she could see the sadness in his eyes with the tears of betrayal too. It wouldn't be the first time her kind had to bear the blame for what one of them had done. 

"Nothing much," Endo lied as he got up off the floor and walked up to her looked at her for a little then walked off.

Miyo felt her heart sink as she realized she had made a mistake. She followed him out of the room, determined to make things right between them. Endo stopped and looked at her. His expression was a mixture of anger and sadness. Miyo stepped closer and reached out to take his hand. She looked up into his eyes and said, 

"I'm sorry, Endo. I know this might be hard, but if I could have done anything I would have, and I'm sorry for mentioning it. I understand if you can't forgive me, but I want you to know that I regret what I said and I want to make it right between us," Miyo cried.

"Right between us? There has never been an us from the humans and the vampires," Endo said. Tears started to fill Miyo's eyes as she realized the extent of their situation. "I forgive you anyway, you don't need to say all that," Endo said, his voice softening.

Miyo was relieved and hugged him tightly. She felt like a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

"Why are you like this?" Endo asked. "I barely know you. But you came to me knowing my name and the fact that my mother was gone."

"I know," Miyo said. "And I'll explain it all. but not now, I don't want to say anything that might upset you."

Endo smiled and got up. "It's alright, don't worry," he said realising that it really didn't matter much anyway. He'd never thought of having a vampire friend but maybe it could be cool. "Come on, let's go to the front room," he said. Miyo followed him, relieved that things starting to become normal between them. When they got to the front room, Endo suggested they watch a movie about a vampire and a boy.

Miyo and Endo both laughed as they watched the movie together. They stayed up all night watching movies and soon it was time to go to school and a time that Endo hated more than he hated Miyo. Miyo reluctantly went to school, knowing that Endo's class didn't start until later. When she came out of school, she was surprised to find that she had been assigned an overtime class. She reluctantly went back in, and when she finally came out, Endo was nowhere to be found. She assumed he was still in class and waited for him outside the school.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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