Coup D Ete

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clad the angel in devils cloakclip her wings,
 they would never know
set her on fire along with Babylon's throne
breathe in the poisoned air
rejoice for the outcast monster is the new heir
as the self proclaimed crowndooms this town
building pedestals from a closet of bones
his men trampled flowers and planted seeds of thorns
chivalrous ignorants who refused to bow their heads
now an ornament beside the tyrant's throne
he has the people in his claws
he demands submission and not respect
he relishes the sweetness in the fears of his foes
the ones who shunned him, they quiver in his presence
the same way he did a long time ago
they burned him down, and from the ashes he arose
not as a phoenix but as a doppelganger of nero
his jeweled goblet filled to the brim
crimson wine turned diamonds to scarlet rubies
a similar hue to the blood of his enemies
he enjoys the banquet, enjoying their agony
for the grand finale as the pretty petals fall
the victims scramble,some accept their fate silently,
others curse and pray for his downfall
roses turned red where white ones grew
his time did come to an end
but there was always someone new
times haven't changed, changed are the crowds
human still rules human and to a human, a human bows
the man receives his paycheck,while the woman still fixes her gown
we create the monsters who kill our kins
kick them around when they are weak,
but when hate fuels revenge, and the canvas painted red
we point fingers at him, never knowing
four of our fingers point to the real culprits of this mess

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