First chapter: where it all began✨

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I start to get ready for work. I grab my camera and head outside I can't wait to take pictures of my favorite idol I hope he's there tonight. as I arrive to the red carpet, I see everyone there, everyone who's famous everybody who knows everybody's there, and I see him smiling at the reporter and talking to her so nicely I wish it was me though, but I'm just taking pictures from my blog. I can feel someone staring at me, but I don't know who so I just start just taking my pictures so that I could just go home. I'm kind of happy that I saw my idol today talking to a girl so nicely knowing that he's a gentleman.(his monologue) wow, what a night I'm so tired from just sitting there listening to all those people but one girl kind of catched my eye she was so cute she probably didn't think I noticed her but she looked so cute when she smiled at me.(his monologue) I wonder if my old friend Gary is still a private investigator.(his monologue)*he's on the phone with the investigator* yeah gary that's her can I please get her number and address plus her work address as well*so the man gives him everything even all her social media accounts*.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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