chapter 1

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I stood PERFECTLY still, looking up at the house and the dark sky beyond it.

A band of mist drifted away from the moon, makeing its way to the next set of clouds----what i hoped would be the picturesque drop that i jad been waiting for most of my life.
The camera, a twenty-five-year-old Nikon FM2n, thirty bucks at a stupid ratchet little garage sale,waited patienltly on the tripod.

I didnt know hiw long id been outside it felt like hours although i was probably like a subject in one of those science expeirements where they tell you to ring a bell after an hour and most people make for like twelve minutes. For a slip second i thought about giving up for just one night. The moon came pouring through a wispy haze of vapor that looked like a t

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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