・𝟏 ・

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❝ shut up

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shut up.

・゚: *・゚:*

I groan as I reached over to my bed side
table to turn off the loud alarm. As early as it is I can't help but be excited this morning since
it's my first day at school.
I'm surprised I don't feel nervous at all considering I haven't been to school in a few years.

I look around my room as the winter sun leeks through my curtains,I have this fluttering feeling of excitement as my eyes land on the new school uniform hanging on my wardrobe.
I quickly hop out of bed and get into the shower.

After i finish getting ready I see my mom downstairs organising the kitchen, we landed in Korea a few days ago and my mom still has another week off before she has to go back to work. My dad has already started working in his new study at home.
He plans to open a Studio here in Korea like he did in America but for now he just works in the study.

"Oh good morning dear, are you heading out to school now?" my mom questions me.
"Yeah I'm going to take the bus so you don't have to worry about dropping me off today"
"here eat this before you go otherwise your excitement will eat you up" she exclaims

She hands me a breakfast bar since she knows I'm not into eating big breakfasts so early in the morning.
I tell her goodbye and start making my way to the bus stop.

I had to use google maps to find the bus stop since I haven't been in Korea for 11 years now but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually.

(At the bus stop)
I stand and pick my bag up when i see the bus heading in my direction.
It stops in front of me and I step into it, I tap my bus card and start heading to a seat.
I'm one of the first stops so there is a lot of options on where to sit. I didn't want to sit at the back in case there are some middle school kids who 'own' the back seats so I just sit at the front of the second tear of seats.

When the bus gets to the next stop, a bright and cheerful boy who looks around my age steps on.
As he is making his way to his seat we make eye contact and he smiles before looking at my tie and having a shocked looked on his face.
Suddenly the bus starts moving and he sits next to me, I gotta admit I was kind of nervous when he sat next to me so suddenly but he quickly started talking.

"Hey! We have them same school tie. MATCHING~~" he started excitedly
I  look at his tie and see that it's the same as mine but that could just be a coincidence tho.
"are you going to x high?" I was a bit weary of telling a stranger where I'm going but i thought if he was going there too then I could make a friend.
Plus life is no fun if you don't take risks.
"Yeah I am.why?"
"OMG! I'm going there too.thats my school!" He exclaims with a bright smile.
His smile is so contagious I couldn't help but smile at his cuteness.
"How come I've never seen you before tho?" He starts getting comfortable in his seat taking his bag off and placing it on his lap.
"Oh that because I'm new,today is my first day"
"Oooo your my friend now I'm adopting you and showing you around the school. I'm Kim Sunoo btw" he said with the happiest smile on his face.
"thank you Sunoo, I'm Summer"

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