Untitled Part 1

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The big mansion was like a fairy tale castle with tall columns, shiny marble, and fancy gold decorations. Crystal chandeliers sparkled, and soft carpets covered the floors. It was like a dreamy palace with gardens that looked like paintings and a bunch of expensive cars in the parking lot.

The family was super rich, living a fancy life. They ate the fanciest food on shiny plates and drank rare wines from crystal glasses. Their parties were like the coolest events where only the most important people were invited.

But, here's the twist: the maids who worked there were treated really badly. They had to wear special outfits and walk quietly, afraid of making a mistake. If they did something wrong, the family went nuts.

The mom, Hellen, would yell like crazy, saying things like, "You messed up again! How can you be so bad at this?" The maids were scared because she didn't just use words - sometimes, it got physical.

The dad, Bob, wasn't any nicer. He'd bark orders like, "Clean this up! And if you ruin my fancy carpets one more time, you'll regret it!" The maids had to be on their toes all the time.

The brother, Ron, thought it was a game. "Look at this! Another mistake! Are you trying to make us mad?" he'd say with a mean grin, enjoying their discomfort.

Even the cousins, Jennifer, Maya, and Sara, acted like they were the kings and queens. "You're here to serve us, not to mess up. Know your place," they'd say, acting all high

and mighty.

In this big, fancy world, the maids had a tough time. While the family enjoyed their luxury life, the maids silently suffered, stuck in a world of rich dreams and mean behavior.

"Hellen, you know she's a constant reminder of our forced union. I can't stand her presence in this house," Bob uttered with disdain, casting a cold glance at Laila.

Laila, bearing the weight of her parents' disdain, overheard their conversation. "Maybe if you hadn't been so blinded by your own desires, I wouldn't be the burden you see me as," she whispered to herself, nursing invisible wounds.

In the midst of familial cruelty, Laila found solace in the tender embrace of her grandparents. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We love you, and that's all that matters," her grandmother, a beacon of warmth, reassured her, brushing away the tears that betrayed Laila's strength.

As the days unfolded, Laila faced not only the torment within her home but also the ruthless bullying at school. "Look who's here, the unwanted princess," Ron taunted, his words like venom, echoing the sentiment that surrounded her.

In the early chapters of Laila's tumultuous life, her mother Hellen's words were like daggers. "You were never supposed to exist, Laila. You're a constant reminder of the choices I was forced to make," Hellen spat, her eyes cold and unforgiving.

Laila's father, Bob, echoed the cruelty. "You think you deserve love? You're nothing more than a burden on this family," he sneered, his words leaving scars on her young heart.

Her brother Ron, once a playmate turned tormentor, reveled in the misery he inflicted. "Look at little Laila, always seeking attention. No one cares about you," he taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Even her cousins, Jennifer, Maya, and Sara, joined in the mockery. "You're not a real part of this family, Laila. Just a stain we can't wash away," they jeered, their laughter haunting her dreams.

As Laila navigated the treacherous waters of school, her cousin Maria amplified the pain. "No one wants you here, Laila. Your existence is a mistake," Maria declared, the venom in her words cutting through the fragile walls of Laila's resilience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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