4. {~Training~}

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Author's Note

Okay so before you start reading I just wanted to point out that all letters that are 'written in italic like this' are gonna be when they are doing sign language under water or even on shore.

Val'kiera's POV

The next morning I got up early as usual and watched the sunset. Tsireya eventually joined me and we went for a ride on our ilu's as always. When we got back we quickly ate and went to find Aonung so that we could teach the new comers. Me, Aonung, Rotxo, Tsireya and Amethyst found the dark blue na'vi children and we introduced ourselves and began our teaching. Amethyst immediately left my side and went to Tuk which made me smile.

We hopped into the water, and then came the Sully's, doing posses and weird movements as they shouted and jumped. Amethyst went back to the hut to go eat while we taught Toruk Makto's children.

As I watched them admire their surroundings, I couldn't help but smile as I remembered my first time.

Although I didn't know why Tonowari wanted me to help teach them, seeing as though I wasn't even one of them to begin with. When I asked him this morning he explained that I am able to swim just like any of are people, because of all the practice that I've had, and he also told me that I could help teach because I was just like them a long time ago when I was first learning.

I then shared a confused look with the others as the 4 forest na'vi swam back up to the surface.

'Swim together with us' Tsireya signed,but they just gave us confused looks, and then swam back down.

I began to swim forward again but stopped as they swam back up.

'What's wrong with them?' Aonung signed.

'Those guys are bad divers' Rotxo spoke with his hands.

'Stop' I replied with my hands.

'They're learning' Tsireya finished.

We proceeded to swim up towards them, and as we reached the surface Tsireya asked, "are you alright?"

"Your too fast, wait for us," Tuk stated.

"Just breath. breath," I spoke.

"You are not good divers. Maybe good at swinging threw trees, but..."Aonung spoke causing Tsireya to smack him in the back of the head, followed by me grabbing the back of his neck lightly and dunking his head under the water for a second.

"C'mon bro," Lo'ak the younger teen boy spoke.

"We don't speak, this, finger talk guys." Neteyam stated as he attempted to do signs with his fingers causing me to chuckle because he just signed 'sand pants', "we don't know what your saying," he continued with a smile as he looked at me and watched me giggle.

"We will teach you. And you do know how to basically sign since you just said sand pants," I chuckled and earned a smug smirk from the boy.

"Where is Kiri," Rotxo mentioned to all of us.

"Kiri?" Tuk worriedly questioned.

"Who?" Aonung spoke earning a glare from me and a shove to the shoulder from Tsireya because we both knew that he knew who Kiri was and that he was just being an ass.

"Kiri, where is Kiri?" Rotxo questioned as he looked around.

"Did you see her," Reya asked us.

We began searching for her and eventually we found her. After that, we decided to teach them how to ride an ilu. We called our ilu's and while doing so, I realized that Neteyam was holding Tuk, which warmed my heart and formed a smile on my face, reminding me of how my brother was protective and always there for me.

"These are ilu. If you want to live here, you have to ride," Aonung stated.

We were 'partnered' with 1 person to teach. Tsireya with Lo'ak, Aonung with Kiri, and me with Tuk and Neteyam. Rotxo was supposed to teach Neteyam but he decided to call it a day.

I handed Tuk some fish to feed to one of the younger Ilu while I taught Neteyam.

"You must approach him slowly, and be gentle," I spoke as I demonstrated with Zari.

Neteyam then got on the Ilu and grabbed onto the handle part, "seems easy enough, just like riding an ikran, only these are nicer," Neteyam spoke in a confident tone.

"Ok there hot shot, your still in training wheel faze." I cheekily smirked.

"First off, you just called me hot," he smirked then continued, "and secondly, training wheels?" He questioned.

"I clearly said hot shot, and yeah, you're not even moving yet," I stated, "just connect your queue. Gently," I finished and Neteyam did as told.

"Alright, let's go," he rushed which gave me an idea.

"If you wanna rush then, alright cowboy, hold on tight. Yippie-Kai-yay!" I shouted as I tapped the back of the Ilu twice, causing it to take off.

Neteyam supprisingly stayed on longer then I thought he would, but when he tried to stop, he went flying.

"Maybe I should call you a pilot and not a cowboy," I bursted out laughing as I approached him and got off of Zari's back.

"Shut up," he replied.

"Hey! Don't speak like that to your trainer!" I jokingly shouted and slapped his arm.

The next thing I knew, I was being picked up and thrown into the water.

"How's that feel, pilot," Neteyam said with a smirk, "still think you could take me?"

"I could take you any day. Any day," I repeated and crossed my arms against my stomach and gave him the smuggest look I could but I couldn't help but let out a laugh. Something about him made me smile as soon as he was in sight, I didn't know what it was but I liked the feeling. I then charged at him and tackled him into the water. As we came back up we noticed that Tsireya was there, smiling at us.

"We're heading back to the beach," Tsireya said, ending it with a giggle.

As I thought about why she could be laughing, I realized that me and Neteyam were only inches apart and that his arms were around my waist. I looked up into his eyes and felt my cheeks grow hot, but I of course took a step back.

"Uh, we should," Neteyam spoke while pointing towards the beach.

"Yeah..." I replied while calling Zari and helping him get up on Zari's back as Tuk got onto Kiri's Ilu with her because Kiri was already a pro and I knew that she was a badass and definitely gonna be a quick friend of mine.


Author's Note

Guys this is a reminder that if you find any mistakes or have any ideas to please tell me and I can do my best it would also help a lot.

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