As cold as you xxx

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Clay was upset to say the least he's older bother had
Just asked the girl he had a crush on for  years on a date.

He tried to tell he self that he didn't know and that John Dory.

Just liked her he just had the guts to ask her out which clay obviously didn't have but. That didn't help the pain he felt as he watched viva think about he's offer.

I umm..I don't..

Clay couldn't take it anymore

There is no way your going with him.. he said a more aggressive then he meant to. Grabbing her arms

Viva looked embarrassed by this her cheeks growing red. Causing him to grow a matching shade.

Umm clay... viva stated

Jd interrupted them ones again

Uh clay this has nothing to do with you I'm asking viva out not you ..

It does have something to do with me John Dory she's my best friend..

Viva look at The two of them an expression came on her face that he couldn't quite make out. As she pulled out of he's grip

The only time he had seen her make a face like that was wen she would talk about her family.

Hey viva he tried. Reaching a hand out to her

Before being interrupted once again.

Look I get it,
jd stared put a hand on clays shoulder

For the longest time it's just been you and viva,

she must be like a sister to you.. it's natural you would be a little protective of her going on a date with someone if that someone was your brother.

He had no Idea how wrong he was, well for a long time it was just him and viva and he was protective probably more than he even knew him self form the rage that was forming in him.

But viva was anything but a sister, if she felt the same way she could be everything but a sister.

But there was no way he could say anything. Viva was he's best friend he's Business partner, the troll he would go to for everything. He couldn't risk that by be selfish.

I'll go with you viva said though she didn't seam as happy as she ought to be,

The answer made all of us exclaim

Viva you don't have to do this just because he ask. I say with a serious look

I know viva said

I give her an unconvincing smile

Look clay I know I don't have to go with him but I want to ..

But I tried.

It's not like we're getting married it's one date

I know .. I tried again

So  it's settled, she said with a little more of the
Spunk that I love so much.

So are...

Dj was smiling ear to ear

I know we have plans clay but I was thinking we could go.  she turned to dj as she finished

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