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Welcome, welcome.

I am currently obsessed with Buddyfight. As of the start of writing this fanfiction I have only watched through season 2 and just starting season 3.

I will most likely specify which season the oneshot is set in if I feel that it is relevant. Such as if it uses information that isn't learned until season 2 or what not. But I will operate under the assumption that everyone reading has watched at least the first season. So this will for sure spoil events of the first season and possibly other seasons so careful if you don't want spoilers.

The actual game play will be skipped over. I may cut through and display some talk between the players during the fight, the luminization, and possibly final phases(most likely the more simple ones like gargantua punisher and stuff).

Sorry but writing this requires knowing the characters decks and also being able to put them to use. I've never been good at tcg games so I am no good at this. Though mad props to the writers I have seen who are able to write the fights.

I love stories where a good character joins the darkside so it's likely you'll see a lot of that, especially considering that it is something that has happened canonically.

Refer to the summary for more info.


Possible gore(not much of a gore writer but yeah)
Weapons(canon weapons like Rouga's spear but also others such as knifes/daggers and guns).
Severe injury.
Sexy jokes(only exchanged between adult characters)
Ships(could be crack ships too but nothing illegal)
Kyoya Gaen being an adorable asshole with standards that are way too high.
May include a kiss on the lips, cheek, or hand, no tongue though. This is based on the fact that I had my first kiss in elementary school so, yeah, I don't think it's too crazy or sexual.
Asmodai being a liar
Rouga and Kiri being that vine. Rouga: Ugh, I have no friends. Kiri: Bitch What am I?! A roach?!
Suicide, mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts/tendencies.
Self deprecation.
Doctors, and therefore needles
Criminal activity(canonical stuff like the stealing of buddy cards but also possibly other things like theft of other things, murder by various means and other things).

May add more if I think of anything else,

Note that when I call a character cute or a character calls another character cute. Cute means in a kitten way, not a smokin' hot bae kinda way.

Things that I will not be writing.

Any Smut, Sexual tension, SA, nothing like that.
Sexy jokes exchanged between minors. X reader stories.
Pedophiles(if I were to write such a character the pedo in question would end up dead or in jail rest assured).

Okay I think that's it for the warnings.

Next I will list my favorite characters so far and therefore the characters that most Oneshots will be focused on.

Tasuku Ryuenji
Magoroku Shido
Baku Omori
Kiri Hyoryu(Miserea)
Kyoya Gaen
Rouga Aragami

So yeah. I think that's all I have to say. Please enjoy and I do take requests just refer to the above and also what I wrote in the summary to make sure you don't request anything that I won't do. If you do, I will let you know that it's something I won't do. From there we can adjust it if possible, you can take back the request, or make a different request. There is no limit to the amount of request you can make. Please request as much as you like, though I cannot guarantee they will be completed in a timely manner.

See ya and hope you enjoy my stories!

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